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Messages - Tommeh

Pages: [1]
Graphics / Getting pixels
« on: April 13, 2009, 06:17:05 pm »
Im using windows so I guess that means my Video API is directshow?
I was hoping to avoid using directshow since building it with mingw32 is hell.

Graphics / Getting pixels
« on: April 13, 2009, 09:58:44 am »
Sorry, I should have been more specific.
Using a normal image and converting it to greyscale (via matricies/loops/whatever) is too slow for realtime, maybe it was just the way I was doing it...

It uses huge amounts of CPU when even crappy free webcam apps can convert the webcam input to greyscale (or perform many other effects) pretty easily without being too taxing on the CPU.

Also, what I have no clue about is how can I actually access the video output information of a SFML window?

Graphics / Getting pixels
« on: April 13, 2009, 05:10:23 am »
I am building an app that takes input from animations/webcam/video files and converts it down to low resolution and greyscale to send to an external LED matrix.

Any tips/pointers as how to greyscale the video output and get it into a matrix (multidimensional array)?

I'm not just looking for an answer, but a point in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.

Pages: [1]