Audio / Re: sf::Music loop point implementation problem
« on: August 31, 2013, 10:18:02 pm »
I think I've found the reason why it's not working.
In onGetData, when i change data.sampleCount, I do not take into consideration that onGetData expects a sample count that is in accordance with the channel count of the song. I made a dirty quick fix and it worked like a charm:
I'll need to get back to fixing the underlying problem though lol. Thanks for the help eXpl0it3r.
In onGetData, when i change data.sampleCount, I do not take into consideration that onGetData expects a sample count that is in accordance with the channel count of the song. I made a dirty quick fix and it worked like a charm:
Code: [Select]
while (data.sampleCount % this->getChannelCount() != 0)
I'll need to get back to fixing the underlying problem though lol. Thanks for the help eXpl0it3r.