General discussions / Tutorial on SFML 2.1 with VC++ 10
« on: September 26, 2013, 12:44:08 pm »
Just for the record, the tutorial here is great, but there's one thing wrong there that costed me a lot of time today when I was configuring it. In the part that the tutorial says that you have to add the .lib files(sfml-graphics.lib, sfml-window.lib and sfml-system.lib) it shows a picture where all the files are only separated by an empty space like " "(e.g.: sfml-graphics.lib sfml-window.lib sfml-system.lib kernel32;...). Actually it needs ";" between them( sfml-graphics.lib; sfml-window.lib; sfml-system.lib; kernel32;...). Okay, I had to come here to say this because maybe it'll save a lot of time for new users like me.