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Messages - 0-Guillaume-0

Pages: [1]
SFML projects / Re: SFML Light System - Let There Be Light
« on: October 02, 2013, 07:13:32 pm »
Hi everyone,

I'm actually a new sfml user too, and i wanted to use "let there be light" library as well, but i've got the same problem as Mlikaon, at the exact same places.

It comes from some functions like "bind()", "unbind()" (this last one doesen't seem to exist anymore in the library).
VisualStudio tells me that "the function doesn't accept 0 arguments", it takes an argument witch type is "const sf::Texture *texture"

I began to search for solutions, trying some variables, rewrite some lines, but i didn't find anything that goes on.

I'd like to have some help on this problem too.

I read that maybe we should make an update of the library or rewrite some parts of it, it sounds good but actually i've no ideas of which part to rewrite, or how i should update it.

If someone has solved this problem before, i think it would be helpfull for everyone in the same situation to have a little tutorial about it, and if i find a solution with one of you, maybe i'll write one.

This library seems really powerfull, even though it's not easy to put it in place, if someone found a solution or has a little more explainations about this setup, please contact me or just post there, it will be really helpfull!

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