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Messages - Autocrator

Pages: [1]
Graphics / Re: What is the maximum possible resolution?
« on: October 05, 2013, 09:13:04 pm »
Thx for your time guys, so after the getMaximumSize, I get around 16k, I suppose it's both for width x height? right?

The game is 2D Isometric and the 800 pngs are the terrain in the background which will be set in a tile formation of 40x20, (it's the map of europe+asia) with transparency

The game doesn't freeze nor do I get any errors, it just doesn't load. In the debugging it stops when it is loading the texture!

Graphics / What is the maximum possible resolution?
« on: October 05, 2013, 08:19:52 pm »
Hey there guys,

we're making an MMO-RTS game and we stumbled upon a problem, whenever we're trying to load inside our engine a sprite that is larger than (approximately) 7972x7972 (which is the terrain of our game) the game doesn't even start.

Is there a maximum allowance on how large the resolution can be? Because right now I have around 800 png files of 7972x7972 resolution that are the whole map of the game and you can load them (one by one) just fine... and I am just asking if it is possible to go even larger.

Thanks for your time

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