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Messages - jadei

Pages: [1]
Ahh, I see.  Thanks for the quick reply.  No wonder I couldn't find the answer when I searched the forums originally.

General / Debug libraries missing in SFML-2.1-linux-gcc-64bits.tar.bz2
« on: October 06, 2013, 12:13:51 am »
I'm running Ubuntu 12.04 Precise 64bit.  So I downloaded SFML-2.1-linux-gcc-64bits.tar.bz2 and got it working with codeblocks (12.11svn9156-0ubuntu1~precise).  It compiles the first example (http://www.sfml-dev.org/tutorials/2.1/start-cb.php) fine using release settings but using debug settings it can't find "sfml-window-d", etc.   My /SFML/lib directory doesn't have any -d files in it so I assume they aren't included with the package I downloaded? 

Does this mean I need to compile SFML from source if I want debug libraries?

I'm just starting to learn SFML, and coding on linux in general, so I'm trying to have everything set up correctly and I'm sure I will need to debug  ;D

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