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Messages - Anvilfolk

Pages: [1]
If I use "include_files" to manually include the entire code, it appears to work. However, that replicates the entire directory structure along with the original source code in the build directory.

However, what I find strange is that library.zip includes all of the relevant .pyc files, so the code is there in compiled form. I shouldn't have to copy it over in source format.

The SFML errors disappeared, but unfortunately I'm getting an error that is easily reproduced. I am very unfamiliar with cx_Freeze, so I'm probably doing something wrong. Here's the example:

import mymodule.test

print("Test successful")

mymodule/__init__.py exists and is empty.

$ python test.py
Test successful

$ test.exe
ImportError: No modules named mymodule.test

I'm including the module explicitly, and I've tried both ways:
buildOptions = {"includes": ["mymodule.test"]}
buildOptions = {"includes": ["mymodule/test"]}

Any ideas?

That's GREAT news!

Will try this as soon as I get home and report back. Amazing work!


Just registered because of this. I'm currently developing a Entity/Systems based engine along with a game called Planet 5521, which is open-source, and some people have started asking for easier ways to try this rather than installing both Python3 and PySFML.

I'm trying to use cx_Freeze and having exactly the same problems.

My setup.py is very similar. The only difference is that I try to be more explicit about the packages:

build_exe_options = {"packages": ["numbers", "sfml", "sfml.system", "sfml.window", "sfml.graphics", "xml.etree.ElementTree"]}

So, essentially, I'd love to see this fixed as well. It'd provide a much easier way to deploy pySFML based applications. Seems like a fairly complex issue though. Here's to hoping!

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