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Messages - jcowgill

Pages: [1]
g++ -c sfmltest.cpp -o sfml.app -L</user/include/SFML> -lsfml-graphics -lsfml-window -lsfml-system

There are a number of problems with this command. Try this instead:
g++ sfmltest.cpp -o sfml.app -lsfml-graphics -lsfml-window -lsfml-system

  • You are passing -c to g++. This causes g++ to output object files instead of executables.
  • The < and > characters are not passed to g++, they are special characters interpreted by your shell to perform redirection (write output of a command to a file). This is where your empty "-lsfml-graphics" file came from.
  • If you are using the repositories of your distro, the sfml libraries are probably already by in your linker path so the -L option isn't needed at all.

In any case, re-read this page again:

General / Re: Linking on Linux
« on: November 17, 2015, 12:26:00 am »
I've just switched from using Windows 10 to using Ubuntu and installed libsfml-dev using the Ubuntu Software Centre. However I'm confused, as the package that is installed contains only header files and when I attempt to link to the libraries in codeblocks, it says it cannot find -lsfml-graphics-s etc. Am I missing something? Do you have to compile the library yourself if you download it from the software centre (option 1 in the tutorial)? Sorry if it's a stupid question.

Yes libsfml-dev itself only contains the header files, but when you installed it it should have pulled in the library packages (libsfml-window2.3v5 etc) which contain the actual libraries. However, libsfml-dev does not contain any static libraries which are what you are trying to use here. If you remove the "-s" from your libraries it should work out of the box (hopefully).

If there is demand for it, I can probably add the static libraries to libsfml-dev. It's just a little "unclean" since I would have to build SFML twice to do it.

(I'm assuming you're using 15.10 / Wily here - if not, don't use libsfml-dev since its out of date)

General discussions / Copyright status of example resources
« on: October 31, 2013, 01:35:38 am »

I've been trying to get SFML 2 into Debian for some time now (and incidentally it just got uploaded into unstable :) ) One of the things I had to do was remove all of the resources for the examples because it's not clear what their copyright status is (and Debian is very strict about these things).

If anyone can clarify who owns the copyright to these files and what license they're under then I might be able to include them in the package.


General discussions / Re: Debian/Ubuntu packages for SFML
« on: October 26, 2013, 06:29:19 pm »
Hi Oldie,
Packages don't migrate from experimental to unstable on their own - that migration is always done manually. The reason the package is still in experimental is that moving it to unstable would break the libcsfml and python-sfml packages that depend on it. I'm working on packaging those so (hopefully) they should all enter unstable within a few weeks. After that the migration from unstable to testing will be 10 days unless anyone files a serious bug.

General discussions / Re: Debian/Ubuntu packages for SFML
« on: October 10, 2013, 09:38:12 pm »
This is what I thought as well, so I created a package based on 2.1 and submitted it to Debian. It's currently in the "NEW" queue, so eventually it should be accepted (it's taking some time though).
You can see the package status here: http://packages.qa.debian.org/libs/libsfml.html

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