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Messages - Winski

Pages: [1]
Graphics / Re: Setting pixels per unit
« on: October 12, 2013, 10:00:36 pm »
@eXpl0it3r: That's what I am doing so far, I was just wondering if I can make it easier
@Nexus: That's why I thought of this :) - I wanted to use something more like view of size (8,6) instead of (800, 600), which means 10 tiles in x, 8 tiles in y instead of 800px in x, 600px in y - this can be done by view.scale(1/(pixelsPerUnit)); but I would need to apply the same scale to each sprite during creation, which would be very inconvenient for me.
Anyway, thanks you both for immediate help, problem is solved :)

Graphics / Setting pixels per unit
« on: October 12, 2013, 09:18:59 pm »
I've been searching for like 2 hours and I couldn't find the answer - maybe I didn't formulate the inquiry properly, so sorry in advance if the topic is doubled.
I am messing around with SFML and I wanted to improve my drawing loop. For now, when I want to draw some sprite/tile/whatever I need to use pixels as the position for them. What I would like to have is to set something like: pixelToUnitRatio(100); which would mean that when I create a sprite of size 100px*100px I receive it as an 1.0f*1.0f object (for now I would get 100.0f*100.0f). This would help me with creating bigger worlds - units are easier to read and each tile could have a size of 1.0f*1.0f. How to solve that?
Thanks in advance

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