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Messages - aeacus

Pages: [1]
General / Re: setTextureRect on iterator
« on: October 16, 2013, 11:08:53 am »
Bah im an eejit. Only just realised what Laurent was getting at. Got it working now by rendering the sprites in the list rather than directly from the buttons.

Thanks guys.

General / Re: setTextureRect on iterator
« on: October 16, 2013, 10:26:36 am »
Oh sorry, thought i had all relevant code. Yeah playButton was added to the list.

I had guessed thats what was happening, currently trying to figure out how to cast the iterator back to the list but none of my googling is helping.

General / Re: setTextureRect on iterator
« on: October 16, 2013, 10:13:09 am »
Ah thanks for that, too used to doing things manually forgot to check if there was a "contains" function. I took out the logging stuff from the posted code but have re-added it below with your suggestion and the output. Realised i was only checking if it worked changing the iterator though. I've added code to hard check the playButton which isnt being changed so it seems changing the iterator isnt kicking back to the original list. Will i then have to cast the iterator back to the menu some how to make it work?

void StartMenu::initiate(TextureManager &resManager)
        playButton.defaultRect = sf::IntRect(0,0,200,50);
        playButton.hoverRect = sf::IntRect(0,50,200,50);

void StartMenu::update(sf::RenderWindow &renderWindow, sf::Event &event, float &delta)
        std::cout<<"update play button: "<< playButton.sprite.getTextureRect().top <<std::endl;

void StartMenu::HandleHover(sf::RenderWindow &renderWindow)
        int x = sf::Mouse::getPosition(renderWindow).x;
        int y = sf::Mouse::getPosition(renderWindow).y;
        std::list<MenuItem>::iterator it;

        for(it = menuItems.begin(); it != menuItems.end(); ++it)
                if ((*it).rect.contains(x,y))
                        std::cout<<"handle hover iterator: "<< it->sprite.getTextureRect().top <<std::endl;                    
                        std::cout<<"handle hover play button: "<< playButton.sprite.getTextureRect().top <<std::endl;

####### OUTPUT #########
handle hover iterator: 50
handle hover play button: 0
update play button: 0

General / setTextureRect on iterator
« on: October 15, 2013, 05:15:51 pm »
Im pretty new to c++ in general so this might be a basic thing im getting wrong but my googling has failed me so far. Basically i have a menu class with a struct for menu items and on every update call im checking to see if the mouse is over one of those items and if it is change the texture rectangle however whenever i call setTextureRect from the iterator it just doesnt work. All relevant code is below so if anyone can point me in the right direction it'd be greatly appreciated.

struct MenuItem
        sf::Sprite sprite;
        sf::IntRect defaultRect; // rectangle coords for sprite when mouse not over
        sf::IntRect hoverRect; // rectangle coords for sprite when mouse over
        sf::IntRect rect; // rectangle coords of item position on screen

void StartMenu::initiate(TextureManager &resManager)
        playButton.defaultRect = sf::IntRect(0,0,200,50);
        playButton.hoverRect = sf::IntRect(0,50,200,50);

void StartMenu::update(sf::RenderWindow &renderWindow, sf::Event &event, float &delta)

void StartMenu::HandleHover(sf::RenderWindow &renderWindow)
        int x = sf::Mouse::getPosition(renderWindow).x;
        int y = sf::Mouse::getPosition(renderWindow).y;
        std::list<MenuItem>::iterator it;

        for(it = menuItems.begin(); it != menuItems.end(); ++it)
                sf::IntRect menuItemRect = (*it).rect;
                if ((menuItemRect.top + menuItemRect.height) > y
                        && menuItemRect.top < y
                        && menuItemRect.left < x
                        && (menuItemRect.left + menuItemRect.width) > x)


Pages: [1]