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Messages - netpoetica

Pages: [1]
SFML projects / Re: Rewrite of SFML in Google's Golang
« on: October 20, 2013, 04:14:11 pm »
This is all very cool! Any reason for using SFML only for graphic and not events/input? And an example pong would be awesome - even some more basic NeHe examples would be cool.

I love the idea of being able to write cross-platform games w/ Go, the language has a very expressive & modern feel that I think will help prevent some of the developer distraction that C++ and it's enormous syntax bring into the process (I imagine dev time + compile time being drastically better for game dev in Go, even if performance is a little weaker).

Your port here is very future-facing, because although SFML dev seem to have been slightly opposed to OpenGL ES (if you check these forums), the desolation of the PC and console gaming industry (desolation prob an exaggeration) and growth of mobile gaming will force SFML author to support ES or become irrelevant (and soon). The competitiveness of the gaming industry nowadays doesn't allow most game developers the 3-6 years they need to create impressive, immersive experiences, and languages like C++ are not necessarily great for fast-paced, iterative development. EDIT: what I mean here is that when SFML3 w/ ES comes around, you will probably find more Go people interestedin SFML, and you may be in a good position to be a leader in that front.

As far as your friends who use C++ not learning go - I think since you guys are in University, now is the best time to try new languages :) if they were married w/ kids and trying to find time to learn Go while changing endless diapers, then I would see the benefit of sticking to what you know. Additionally, if you guys write your code modularly enough, you should be able to port to C/C++ very easily if Go starts to feel too weak.

Anyhow, I'll keep an eye on your repo and once I get a little bit of code operational I should be able to contribute some. Additionally, I am curious for more detail about why you chose to rewrite instead of using the bindings from krepa

SFML projects / Re: [sf3d] a project for 3D rendering
« on: October 18, 2013, 06:22:39 am »
Totally aware, but it would be a shame to let good work go to waste :-) the source for sf3d is pretty interesting

SFML projects / Re: Rewrite of SFML in Google's Golang
« on: October 18, 2013, 05:52:54 am »
This is super :) would love to see a examples folder or examples repo to compliment this.

Some detail in the README about your approach would also be nice

Additionally, you may want to keep a running log in the README of problems you find


SFML projects / Re: [sf3d] a project for 3D rendering
« on: October 18, 2013, 05:45:02 am »
Floating Brain - how would you feel about starting a Github repo for that port of sf3d? Would love to see about contributing and improving where I can.

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