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Messages - Roger Martins

Pages: [1]
General discussions / Re: CS Bachelor thesis - Some questions
« on: November 15, 2013, 02:45:59 pm »
I understand this but my adviser asked me to try and get this information. I think he has some weird device he wants to target also.
So do you have any estimate on the size (from static linking, excluding compiler "smartness" hehe)?
Without a target platform it's impossible to say. Like the TDM x64 compiler will generate you 3-4 times bigger binaries than TDM x86 and each OS will have a different size. You can only download the full precompiled libs and look at their size to get an upper bound.

I suppose opengl Es is supported, is that right?
Unfortunately not yet.  :-[
There's eSFML that has some implementation working for Android...

yea i was reading about eSFML 5 mins ago, cool stuff

on the precompiled libs
i got 266 KB from the release libs, now i need to add all the dlls, 3540kb
so arround ~4mgs

Thanks alot mate, got everything i needed

General discussions / Re: CS Bachelor thesis - Some questions
« on: November 15, 2013, 02:23:03 pm »

Depends on how you link SFML, what compiler you use, for which platform you build, etc.
If you link statically and your compiler is smart enough it would really only include the symbols that are used by your code. If you link dynamically it you'll have to ship the full dlls. x64 binaries are often bigger than x86 ones etc.
Not to forget that you could use some an compressor in the end to shrink the binary even further.
So overall I can tell you that your assets will most likely turn out to be way bigger than your binary. ;)

I understand this but my adviser asked me to try and get this information. I think he has some weird device he wants to target also.
So do you have any estimate on the size (from static linking, excluding compiler "smartness" hehe)?
I suppose opengl Es is supported, is that right?

(btw using sfml transforms and api in general was refreshing, so easy)

General discussions / Re: CS Bachelor thesis - Some questions
« on: November 15, 2013, 01:36:24 pm »
How easy is to render with SFML into WPF?

I am assuming you mean windows presentation foundation. Yes it is possible to render SFML into a WPF form, it is not the simplest thing to do, but it is possible (I have done it).

As for the the other questions I will let some of the other more knowledgeable guys answer them.

thanks mate, can you hint me on how you did it?
did you have the problem where wpf context menus didn't display well over the opengl context?

General discussions / CS Bachelor thesis - Some questions
« on: November 15, 2013, 09:03:55 am »
Hello guys, I'm Roger and I'm finishing my CS degree and my project involves computer graphics, because of that I'm searching for a suitable library/engine to aid my needs.

I have some questions for the community and I hope you guys can help me.

What versions of OpenGl are supported?
What is the binary size of SFML in a built application (with only the modules that are used for windowing, graphics and input)?
How easy is to render with SFML into WPF?

One last favor, can you guys provide some references on what was SFML used in(commercial)? I'm searching but I really don't want to miss anything important.

Best Regards, Thank you.

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