Window / DEVIL and SFML, ilutGLScreen()
« on: July 04, 2009, 02:12:08 am »Quote from: "Laurent"
It works fine for me (Windows XP, Visual C++ 9, both SFML 1.5 and SFML 2.0). What is your configuration?
Winsows XP pro, eclipse\mingw (gcc v3.45) SFML v1.5
I call gcc with these libs : -lopengl32 -glu32 -lsfml-audio -lsfml-graphic -lsfml-window -lsfml-system
Quote from: "Laurent"
By the way, you're doing a few weird things:Code: [Select]_input = (sf::Input*) &(_app.GetInput());
You'd better declare a const sf::Input* rather than using this ugly cast.Code: [Select]delete _input;
Nobody told you to delete the window's input object (it crashes)Code: [Select]sf::VideoMode::VideoMode(w, h, bpp)
You're calling a constructor rather than instanciating the class. Surprisingly it works, but anyway it should be written like this:Code: [Select]sf::VideoMode(w, h, bpp)
And don't include all these unnecessary headers, only SFML/Graphics.hpp is needed in your code. Including too many files can increase the compilation time a lot.