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Messages - Joseph

Pages: [1]
DotNet / Re: SFML RenderTextures and OpenGL
« on: February 25, 2014, 05:55:44 pm »
Brilliant :D

It's going to be a while until I actually implement this so I might end up being a bit cheeky and asking for help somewhere down the line.

DotNet / SFML RenderTextures and OpenGL
« on: February 25, 2014, 05:35:12 pm »

So I've had an idea for a game that I want to develop when I go back to university later this year and I'd like to use the SFML .net library (Because I've been using it quite a bit lately and already have plenty of nice code I can continue using).

But I'm not sure whether it is possible at the moment, so here it is: I want to make a 2d platformer, only the 2d scenes are actually on the 6 different sides of a 3D cube that can be rotated with the mouse.

So, using SFML .net and OpenGL am I able to create a 3D cube in OpenGL and then texture each face of the cube using a RenderTexture from SFML?

If that didn't make sense then I can draw you some terrible diagrams which will be equally confusing :D


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