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Messages - Rayzune

Pages: [1]
DotNet / Re: Where is the DotNet API ?
« on: November 24, 2013, 03:31:47 pm »
Hi zsbzsb,

CHM = Compiled HTML Help File. What makes you expect a structure of raw HTML files?

Well... I don't know ;D I had never used chm help files, but I just resolved my problem. On Windows (or Windows 7 at least), it's necessary to unblock the file, I didn't know this... So problem solved !

Well an error message would help, but the issue is probably because you didn't copy the CSML dlls to the folder with the executable.

This is a classical windows error message :

(replace Windows Explorer by openGL.exe for example)

EDIT : The issue is not dlls, I already tried this

DotNet / Where is the DotNet API ?
« on: November 24, 2013, 02:37:21 pm »
Hello everyone,

I'm a new user of SFML.net. I made some little games with the original SFML (c++) by the past.

I have two problems whith SFML.net :

- First, I wonder where is the SFML.net API ? It is not in /SFML.Net-2.1/doc, there is the .chm file but not the html files...
- Second, examples can't run on my PC. They all crash when I launch them. For the time being I think the problem comes from my computer, I keep you in touch.

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