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Messages - Aiden

Pages: [1]
Graphics / Re: Trouble with loadFromFile
« on: December 04, 2013, 10:06:20 pm »
So I reread the tutorial, and sure enough, I had added both the debug and release DLLs to the linker's additional dependencies. I assumed I could add both, and it would work out which one was needed, but I guess not.

So when would I use the non-debug DLLs for the linker? When I want to compile in Release Configuration?

Thanks for the help!!

Graphics / Trouble with loadFromFile
« on: December 04, 2013, 08:48:22 pm »
Hi everyone,

I know this question has been answered many times, but I'm still having trouble with getting my program to work correctly.
First the problem: I'm trying to load a texture from the disk into memory
sf::Texture texture;

This should be relatively straight forward. However, I'm getting a crash as soon as I get to the second line. Along with the crash, my computer will sometimes beep a bunch, and print garbage to the standard output. If I'm lucky, I will see at the top of the console "Failed to load image 'image.png'", but the reason of failure is not displayed, and garbage is shown instead.


The directory I printed at the top of the console is just a test I wrote to make sure the current working directory is where I thought it was. I've made sure that the VS project has the working directory set to $(TargetDir) and I've made sure that the image is in the correct location.

In case it's relevant, I'm using Visual Studio 2012.

I've not been able to find a solution, so I hope you guys can help me.

Thanks a bunch!

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