Hey everyone,
I've been playing around with the .net binding for a while now, and I've come into a small problem with handling keyboard and mouse input at the same time. In what I've tried, whenever I type something and click on the window at the same time with the left mouse button, the click is ignored until I stop typing. However, typing and clicking with any other button will handle the clicks properly.
Here's an example which has the same effect (using sfml 2.1):
static void Main
(string[] args
) { RenderWindow window
= new RenderWindow
(new VideoMode
"SFML_App", Styles
.Titlebar); window
.MouseButtonPressed += window_MouseButtonPressed
; while (window
.IsOpen()) { window
.DispatchEvents(); } } static void window_MouseButtonPressed
(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e
) { Console
.WriteLine("Clicked: " + System.Environment.TickCount); } Any ideas?