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Messages - naret

Pages: [1]
Network / UDP Disconnect
« on: December 11, 2013, 07:00:24 am »
I'm a bit confused about the way UDP is handled.
I have several clients 'connected' to to my server, basically just a 'bind' and then sending data to the specific ip:port. once a client is shut down,  Socket.receive on the server side returns "disconnected". how is that even possible in UDP? the ip and port is 0 and "send" to the 'disconnected' client returns sf::Socket::Done

I have a time out of 10s for clients, afterwards I don't send any data to those closed ports, yet for 10s I kind of get spammed on server side with 'disconnected' messages. seems like send errors are passed to receive errors? Sometimes I also get 'disconnect' messages if another clients connects, the data exchange works flawlessly, but while there is no data, I just receive 'disconnect'.

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