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Messages - ciacioz

Pages: [1]
DotNet / Re: Draw background sprite is very slow
« on: December 21, 2013, 10:26:53 am »
Thanks for your code and your advices.
I tried the code and using the devices.png image in the resource folder of the shader example included in the library I scored 29/30 FPS.
I tried to use a png with the portion of the screen I use in my code and the results are 11/12 FPS. I noticed also that the FPS drops a lot if I resize the window with a bigger one and increase a lot if I resize with a small one.
So my conclusion is that... I have to update my gfx card :)

DotNet / Re: Draw background sprite is very slow
« on: December 21, 2013, 12:57:09 am »
The Driver is up to date, I already check for update and try to uninstall current driver and installing the last one from AMD site.
The strangest thing is that the performance are very slow even for a gfx card like that, I play game like batman arkham asylum and nverwinter mmorpg so it seems strange that I could not handle 4 texture.

this is the code of my game loop where I count the FPS, the method is simple, every second I count how many loop I've made.

            DateTime start = DateTime.Now;
            Int32 countFps = 0;
            Int32 maxFPS = 0;          

            while (!_quit)
                //This is the function that render background image. Without this the FPS are about 100


                //Render the player


                DateTime end = DateTime.Now;

                TimeSpan duration = end - start;
                if(duration.Seconds >=1 )
                    start = DateTime.Now;
                    maxFPS = countFps;
                    countFps = 0;                    

DotNet / Re: Draw background sprite is very slow
« on: December 20, 2013, 08:41:24 pm »
I know my graphycs card is "pretty" old but I dont understand why with 4 sprite/texture the FPS drops this way.

The creation of the textures is done only the first time I load the background because I store the four texture in a list and from the second time when I display the background I use the spretes/texture stored in the list so I don't recreate them.

Is there a better way than my method that a I could use?


DotNet / Draw background sprite is very slow
« on: December 20, 2013, 08:22:14 pm »
Hi, I have a game with resolution of 1280x720 but my gfx card cant create a texture directly with that size so I'm   creating 4 textures and draw them.
The problem is that draw that sprites is really slow, about 6/7 FPS.
Could someone tell me if I'm doing something wrong?

Thanks in advance, here's the code:

public void ShowLocation(Location Location)
            if (_sprites.Count == 0)
                Stream stream = new MemoryStream(Location.Background.Bytes);

                for (Int32 y = 0; y < _heigth; y += _heigth / 2)
                    for (Int32 x = 0; x < _width; x += _width / 2)
                        IntRect view = new IntRect(x, y, _width / 2, _heigth / 2);                        
                        Texture texture = new Texture(stream, view);
                        Sprite sprite = new Sprite(texture);
                        sprite.Position = new Vector2f((float)x, (float)y);                        


            foreach (Sprite s in _sprites)


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