SFML game jam / Re: Open GL - Yes/No
« on: January 12, 2014, 06:43:29 am »Since the rules have been opened to include everyone the last thing would be to require the person to simply state, "I/We have used pure SFML rendering" OR "I/We have used SFML and some/all raw OpenGL for rendering" on the game entry. (or maybe have a small flag in that fancy new site )
Another option would be to simply require at least two components of SFML to be used. Such as window management and audio, window management and networking, and so on. This would allow any combination of SFML and/or OpenGL while making sure it is still in the spirit of using SFML.
I am for either or both suggested rules. This would keep the game jam loosely structured and fun (participants won't have so much concern with breaking the rules) and it would continue to showcase SFML great features of SFML. I might change the wording of the second suggestion in some way to reflect that participants must use two APIs from SFML, and not just two classes from the same header.