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Messages - JordyD

Pages: [1]
Window / sf::Input and keypress repeat problem
« on: August 10, 2009, 05:17:27 pm »
I don't think there is anything exotic on my Ubuntu. I tried disabling Compiz, but it didn't change anything. If I think of something I'll let you know.

Window / sf::Input and keypress repeat problem
« on: August 10, 2009, 04:58:14 pm »
I upgraded to version 1.5, but the problem is still there.

Window / sf::Input and keypress repeat problem
« on: August 10, 2009, 01:49:21 am »
I'm using SFML 1.4 on Ubuntu 9.04.

It seems when I use this code:
Code: [Select]
if (Input.IsKeyDown(sf::Key::A))
if (Input.IsKeyDown(sf::Key::D))

and press and hold the 'D' or 'A' key, it calls OffsetDirection once, pauses, then calls it continuously as if I was holding the key down (which I am). But I don't want it to pause. Is this normal behavior for sf::Input? If it is, is there something I can use as an alternative that doesn't pause?

By the way, if I configure my computer to have no delay between key press repeating through System>Preferences>Keyboard, then this problem goes away. But I don't want to have to have anybody that wants to use my program to have to toggle their system preferences.

I've tried doing this as an alternative:

Code: [Select]

// outside the main loop
struct KeysPressed {
        bool A;
        bool B;
} KeysPressed;
// inside the main loop
if (Event.Type == sf::Event::KeyPressed)
        switch (Event.Key.Code)
        case sf::Key::A:
                KeysPressed.A = true;
        case sf::Key::D:
                KeysPressed.D = true;
else if (Event.Type == sf::Event::KeyReleased)
        switch (Event.Key.Code)
        case sf::Key::A:
                KeysPressed.A = false;
        case sf::Key::D:
                KeysPressed.D = false;

if (KeysPressed.A == true)
if (KeysPressed.D == true)

But the problem persists.

Any help would be appreciated.


EDIT: I deleted this from System and reposted here, because I realized I posted in the wrong section. Sorry.

Graphics / When an sf::Shape::SetPosition is called, what is moved?
« on: August 04, 2009, 03:04:30 pm »
Quote from: "Laurent"
SetPosition sets the position of the center point of the drawable, which is the local point (0, 0) by default (upper-left corner), but can be changed with SetCenter.

OK, thank you. I think I'll have to make my own SetCenter in that case to make sure that the center of the sf::Rect is also being changed.

Graphics / When an sf::Shape::SetPosition is called, what is moved?
« on: August 04, 2009, 04:46:00 am »
Center? Upper-left corner? I was wondering because I'm trying to get sf::Rect and sf::Shape to play nice, meaning they would both move at the same time. So I've implemented a class like this:
Code: [Select]
 * Shape.h
 *  Created on: Aug 3, 2009
 *      Author: Jordy

#ifndef SHAPE_H_
#define SHAPE_H_

#include <algorithm>
#include <SFML/Graphics/Shape.hpp>
#include <SFML/Graphics/Rect.hpp>
#include <SFML/System/Vector2.hpp>

namespace Solids

class Shape : public sf::Shape, public sf::Rect<float>
virtual ~Shape();

virtual void Move(float OffsetX, float OffsetY);
virtual void Move(const sf::Vector2f &Offset);
virtual void SetPosition(float OffsetX, float OffsetY);
virtual void SetPosition(const sf::Vector2f &Offset);

void SetSpeed(float NewSpeedX, float NewSpeedY);
void SetSpeedX(float NewSpeedX);
void SetSpeedY(float NewSpeedY);

void Update(float FrameTime=1);

static Shape Rectangle(float X, float Y, float Width, float Height);
static Shape Triangle(float P1X, float P1Y, float P2X, float P2Y, float P3X, float P3Y);

float SpeedX, SpeedY;


#endif /* SHAPE_H_ */

Code: [Select]
 * Shape.cpp
 *  Created on: Aug 3, 2009
 *      Author: Jordy

#include "Shape.h"

namespace Solids



void Shape::Move(float OffsetX, float OffsetY)
sf::Shape::Move(OffsetX, OffsetY);
Offset(OffsetX, OffsetY);

void Shape::Move(const sf::Vector2f &Offset)
Move(Offset.x, Offset.y);

void Shape::SetSpeed(float NewSpeedX, float NewSpeedY)
SpeedX = NewSpeedX;
SpeedY = NewSpeedY;

void Shape::SetSpeedX(float NewSpeedX)
SpeedX = NewSpeedX;

void Shape::SetSpeedY(float NewSpeedY)
SpeedY = NewSpeedY;

void Shape::Update(float FrameTime)
Move(SpeedX * FrameTime, SpeedY * FrameTime);

Shape Shape::Rectangle(float X, float Y, float Width, float Height)
Shape Rect;

Rect.Left   = X;
Rect.Top    = Y;
Rect.Right  = Rect.Left + Width;
Rect.Bottom = Rect.Top + Height;

Rect.AddPoint(Rect.Left,  Rect.Top);
Rect.AddPoint(Rect.Right, Rect.Top);
Rect.AddPoint(Rect.Right, Rect.Bottom);
Rect.AddPoint(Rect.Left,  Rect.Bottom);

return Rect;

Shape Shape::Triangle(float P1X, float P1Y, float P2X, float P2Y, float P3X, float P3Y)
Shape Tri;

// Find boundaries of enclosing sf::Rect
Tri.Left   = std::min(std::min(P1X, P2X), P3X);
Tri.Right  = std::max(std::max(P1X, P2X), P3X);
Tri.Top    = std::min(std::min(P1Y, P2Y), P3Y);
Tri.Bottom = std::max(std::max(P1Y, P2Y), P3Y);

Tri.AddPoint(P1X, P1Y);
Tri.AddPoint(P2X, P2Y);
Tri.AddPoint(P3X, P3Y);

return Tri;


As you can see, I've implemented a Shape::Move method, but not the Shape::SetPosition method. This is because I'm not sure whether I should be doing this:
Code: [Select]
void Shape::SetPosition(float PosX, float PosY)
sf::Shape::SetPosition(PosX, PosY);

float Width  = GetWidth();
float Height = GetHeight();

Left   = PosX;
Top    = PosY;
Right  = Left + Width;
Bottom = Top + Height;

or this:
Code: [Select]
void Shape::SetPosition(float PosX, float PosY)
sf::Shape::SetPosition(PosX, PosY);

float Width  = GetWidth();
float Height = GetHeight();

Left   = PosX - Width / 2;
Top    = PosY - Height / 2;
Right  = Left + Width;
Bottom = Top  + Height;

Note that there may be other errors in my code. I haven't tested it thoroughly yet.


Feature requests / pkg-config support
« on: August 03, 2009, 05:22:48 pm »
Quote from: "Laurent"
Easier in which way? What configure.ac are you talking about?

Anjuta (an IDE) uses autotools and makefiles to build projects. In order to build a project it has to know what it depends on. Libraries that use pkg-config are easy to add through project properties. Anything that doesn't use pkg-config needs to be added manually by editing the configure.ac file, which is a part of autoconf.

Anyways, I've resolved the problem by using a different IDE, since I'm too lazy to learn how to edit configure.ac files. But it would still be nice to have.

Feature requests / pkg-config support
« on: August 03, 2009, 05:05:44 am »
It would make it much easier to use SFML. It would mean I don't have to manually edit configure.ac, too.

What do you say?

Graphics / error: cannot convert 'const float' to 'sf::Rect<float>
« on: July 24, 2009, 05:39:48 pm »
Quote from: "Laurent"
No, that's just copying 4 floats. And to properly return a pointer, you would have to allocate it using new, and make the caller delete it. Which is ugly ;)

Ah, OK. Thanks. Besides some logic errors, it seems to be working now.

Graphics / error: cannot convert 'const float' to 'sf::Rect<float>
« on: July 24, 2009, 05:26:03 pm »
Quote from: "Laurent"
Forget about pointers
Code: [Select]
sf::Rect<float> DeriveRect(sf::Shape* shape)
    sf::Rect<float> rect(shape->GetPointPosition(0).x,
                          shape->GetPointPosition(3).y); /* The errors bring me to this line */
    return rect;

Doesn't that mean I have to pass around an entire sf::Rect? Isn't that slow?

Graphics / error: cannot convert 'const float' to 'sf::Rect<float>
« on: July 24, 2009, 05:10:06 pm »
I'm getting two errors when trying to compile this function:

Code: [Select]
sf::Rect<float>* DeriveRect(sf::Shape* shape)
    sf::Rect<float>* rect(shape->GetPointPosition(0).x,
                          shape->GetPointPosition(3).y); /* The errors bring me to this line */
    return rect;

The errors:
Code: [Select]
error: initializer expression list treated as compound expression
error: cannot convert 'const float' to 'sf::Rect<float>*' in initialization

I get the feeling that these are simple errors, but I could be wrong.

More information:
OS: Mac OS X 10.5
Compiler: g++
IDE: XCode 3
I have not called this function anywhere in the other parts of the program yet.
This is my first time with SFML.

Could anybody help me out with this?


Pages: [1]