My usual game classes:
* created and run inside the main()
* handles my scenes under a
state pattern so I know which one to run, and whether I should switch to an other one
* handles the sf::RenderWindow and all the global SFML stuff
* the run() method contains the classic SFML pollEvent() loop
* created/updated/displayed/destroyed by the GameEngine
* implements sf::Drawable according to a composite pattern (i.e. contains sub-sprites and other drawable elements)
* contains an OnUpdate(sf::Time elapsedTime) method to update the physics engine (if any) or any entity of the scene (charac animation, menu cursor blink, etc).
* Concrete implementations could be: TitleScene, SettingsMenuScene, WorldmapScene, Level1Scene, etc
* Similar to sf::Event but with my own events
* Used along an observer pattern
* Example: TitleScene uses a GameEvent to notify its subscribers that the "New game" button has been pressed. GameEngine is notified and updates its state diagram accordingly.