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Messages - Sicarius43696

Pages: [1] 2
Window / Window Position
« on: July 25, 2010, 07:11:32 pm »
Is there any way to find out where the user has moved a window? I'm trying to save a file that contains the size and position of the window.

Currently, I set the window's position with SetPosition, but is there no way to find out if/where the user moves it?

Audio / [Resolved] Moving to next or previous song
« on: June 05, 2010, 02:21:02 am »
The issue only happens when using OpenFromMemory.

Audio / [Resolved] Moving to next or previous song
« on: June 04, 2010, 04:31:04 am »
Code: [Select]

int main()
    sf::Clock clock;

while(clock.GetElapsedTime() < 7);

while(clock.GetElapsedTime() < 7);

while(clock.GetElapsedTime() < 7);

while(clock.GetElapsedTime() < 7);

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Death.ogg doesn't play the second time.

Code: [Select]

MusicManager* MusicManager::musicManager;

sf::Music* MusicManager::load(const std::string& stringID)
    sf::Music* music = new sf::Music();

    char* buffer = resourceLoader.GetFile(stringID);

    if(!music->OpenFromMemory(buffer, resourceLoader.GetFileSize(stringID)))
        #ifdef DEBUG
            std::cout<< "MusicManager failed to load: " << stringID << std::endl;


    return music;

The above is my music manager class which is inheriting from:

Audio / [Resolved] Moving to next or previous song
« on: June 04, 2010, 04:15:10 am »
I'm currently putting together a small example to reproduce this, but one thing I noticed is that it only happens when using OpenFromMemory. If I use OpenFromFile it works fine.

Audio / [Resolved] Moving to next or previous song
« on: June 03, 2010, 02:17:25 am »
I'm getting a very similar issue to this with SFML 1.6

Whenever my character dies, I play a death song. This plays correctly. Whenever I attempt to switch back to the main song however, it incorrectly plays the death song again.

Code: [Select]

if(deathTimer.GetElapsedTime() < 7 && immortal.GetElapsedTime() > 7)
        if(currentSong != "Death.ogg")
            currentSong = "Death.ogg";
    else if(currentSong != "Relief.ogg")
        currentSong = "Relief.ogg";

When it calls attempts to restart Relief.ogg, it instead plays Death.ogg

Graphics / Bad Huffman Compression
« on: April 29, 2010, 02:51:56 am »
Here's the call stack when it crashes.

#0 00484896   zget8()
#1 004848E3   fill_bits()
#2 00484959   zhuffman_decode(z=0x6abc730)
#3 00484B4D   parse_huffman_block()
#4 004853DC   parse_zlib(parse_header=1)
#5 00485434   do_zlib(obuf=0xd0aced0 "8+f\r\020qW\rîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþîþ"..., olen=16384, exp=1, parse_header=1)
#6 0048547B   stbi_zlib_decode_malloc_guesssize(initial_size=16384, outlen=0xed7f3fc) (D:/Programmation/Cpp/SFML/tags/1.5/src/SFML/Graphics/SOIL/stb_image_aug.c:1829)
#7 004854E0   stbi_zlib_decode_malloc(buffer=0xd980020 "XÃ…\230Í\217\\W\021Å\177Uuß›ž±\215mœÄò\220(DQ\024\004B¬\220\"±\002\026‘\b°‹Ø±aÇ’¿%‚\210\035\022\vÄ\016„\"\201„ØÀŠ\005\bœ\020)
#8 00486B78   parse_png_file(scan=0, req_comp=4)
#9 00486DB7   do_png(x=0xed7f928, y=0xed7f924, n=0xed7f920, req_comp=4)
#10 00486F54   stbi_png_load_from_memory(buffer=0xd6a2eb8 "Ä", len=285292, x=0xed7f928, y=0xed7f924, comp=0xed7f920, req_comp=4)
#11 00480756   stbi_load_from_memory(buffer=0xd6a2eb8 "Ä", len=285292, x=0xed7f928, y=0xed7f924, comp=0xed7f920, req_comp=4)
#12 00466D55   SOIL_load_image_from_memory(buffer=0xd6a2eb8 "Ä", buffer_length=285292, width=0xed7f928, height=0xed7f924, channels=0xed7f920, force_channels=4)
#13 0045B383   sf::priv::ImageLoader::LoadImageFromMemory(this=0x6ab86a0, Data=0xd6a2eb8 "Ä", SizeInBytes=285292, Pixels=..., Width=@0x75efb90, Height=@0x75efb94)
sf::Image::LoadFromMemory(this=0x75efb78, Data=0xd6a2eb8 "Ä", SizeInBytes=285292)

This is a link to the image.

Graphics / Bad Huffman Compression
« on: April 28, 2010, 04:25:58 am »
Occasionally when loading an image, I get a debug message saying Bad Huffman Compression.

I can get more info on this later, but any ideas as to what it is related?

Network / Upgraded to SFML 1.6, now linker issues.
« on: April 10, 2010, 10:03:56 pm »
I just recently upgraded to SFML 1.6, now I'm getting linker errors that say

"undefined reference to '_Unwind_Resume'

I couldn't figure out how to fix it, any ideas?

Graphics / SFML 2.0 - Missing letters when drawing sf::Text
« on: January 21, 2010, 08:58:30 pm »
It works with size 14.

I can't test it now because I'm at work, but I did have several error messages, mostly involving opengl errors in sf::Image.

I can post them once I get home.

Graphics / SFML 2.0 - Missing letters when drawing sf::Text
« on: January 21, 2010, 02:33:47 pm »
I attempted to make a sample program that displayed this issue, but I found it only happened in the context of my program.

My original code was this -
Code: [Select]

sf::Text sfString;
sfString.SetPosition(inventory.sprite.GetPosition().x+55, inventory.sprite.GetPosition().y+9);

And that resulted in broken text.

When I switched to this -
Code: [Select]

sf::Text sfString;
sfString.SetScale(0.533333333, 0.533333333);
sfString.SetPosition(inventory.sprite.GetPosition().x+55, inventory.sprite.GetPosition().y+9);

It works just fine.

Graphics / SFML 2.0 - Missing letters when drawing sf::Text
« on: January 21, 2010, 04:18:16 am »
I narrowed this down to an issue with the SetString method.

If I set the text by constructor, it works fine. But if I use the SetString method, I get the broken text.

Edit:: This is due to the default font not supporting the character size of 16 I guess? What sizes does it support?

Graphics / SFML 2.0 - Missing letters when drawing sf::Text
« on: January 21, 2010, 04:01:07 am »
I recently switched to SFML 2.0 to see if there was a performance increase, however, I'm having trouble with my sf::Text classes. When I attempt to draw certain letters it instead just draws a space. If I print out the actual string, it prints correctly, however when I use SetString(string), the text that is drawn on the string is broken.

Is there something new with SFML 2.0 and text that I'm missing?

Graphics / [SOLVED] Little bit of trouble with loading from memory.
« on: December 10, 2009, 02:44:35 am »
I used that tutorial and it worked. Thanks!

Graphics / [SOLVED] Little bit of trouble with loading from memory.
« on: December 10, 2009, 12:11:22 am »
This is the reading method.

Code: [Select]

static char* GetBufferFromResource(char *resourcefilename, char *resourcename, int *filesize)
//Try to open the resource file in question
int fd = open(resourcefilename, O_RDONLY);
if (fd < 0)
perror("Error opening resource file");

//Make sure we're at the beginning of the file
lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET);

//Read the first INT, which will tell us how many files are in this resource
int numfiles;
read(fd, &numfiles, sizeof(int));
std::cout << "Number of files: " << numfiles << std::endl;

//Get the pointers to the stored files
int *filestart = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * numfiles);
read(fd, filestart, sizeof(int) * numfiles);
std::cout << "File starts at: " << *filestart << std::endl;

//Loop through the files, looking for the file in question
int filenamesize;
char *buffer;
int i;
char *filename;
//Seek to the location
lseek(fd, filestart[i], SEEK_SET);
//Get the filesize value
read(fd, filesize, sizeof(int));
//Get the size of the filename string
read(fd, &filenamesize, sizeof(int));
//Size the buffer and read the filename
filename = (char *) malloc(filenamesize + 1);
read(fd, filename, filenamesize);
//Remember to terminate the string properly!
filename[filenamesize] = '\0';
//Compare to the string we're looking for
std::cout << "Comparing " << resourcename << " to " << filename << std::endl;
if (strcmp(filename, resourcename) == 0)
//Get the contents of the file
std::cout << resourcename << " is equal to " << filename << std::endl;
buffer = (char *) malloc(*filesize);
read(fd, buffer, *filesize);
//Free the filename buffer

//Release memory

//Close the resource file!

//Did we find the file within the resource that we were looking for?
if (buffer == NULL)
printf("Unable to find '%s' in the resource file!\n", resourcename);

//Return the buffer
return buffer;

Graphics / [SOLVED] Little bit of trouble with loading from memory.
« on: December 09, 2009, 11:30:53 pm »
It's definitely corrupting the image.

This is the code that packs the .dat file.

Code: [Select]

void packfile(char *filename, int fd) {
int totalsize = 0; //This integer will be used to track the total number of bytes written to file
//Handy little output
printf("PACKING: '%s' SIZE: %i\n", filename, getfilesize(filename));
//In the 'header' area of the resource, write the location of the file about to be added
lseek(fd, currentfile * sizeof(int), SEEK_SET);
write(fd, &currentloc, sizeof(int));
//Seek to the location where we'll be storing this new file info
lseek(fd, currentloc, SEEK_SET);
//Write the size of the file
int filesize = getfilesize(filename);
write(fd, &filesize, sizeof(filesize));
totalsize += sizeof(int);
//Write the LENGTH of the NAME of the file
int filenamelen = strlen(filename);
write(fd, &filenamelen, sizeof(int));
totalsize += sizeof(int);
//Write the name of the file
write(fd, filename, strlen(filename));
totalsize += strlen(filename);
//Write the file contents
int fd_read = open(filename, O_RDONLY); //Open the file
char *buffer = (char *) malloc(filesize); //Create a buffer for its contents
read(fd_read, buffer, filesize); //Read the contents into the buffer
write(fd, buffer, filesize); //Write the buffer to the resource file
close(fd_read); //Close the file
free(buffer); //Free the buffer
totalsize += filesize; //Add the file size to the total number of bytes written
//Increment the currentloc and current file values
currentloc += totalsize;

Is there something wrong with this code?

Pages: [1] 2