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Messages - Skyler

Pages: [1]
Could I get some help installing this? Firstly, I don't have this exact path Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\vcprojects, The part I don't have is vcprojects. I tried making my own folder called that and extracting the template file to there but it didn't work. There are other folders in Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\vcprojects called VC ProjectDefaults, VCProjectItems_WDExpress, vcprojects_WDExpress, vcprojectitems, would I put it in any of those? For now i tried putting it in vcprojects_WDExpress and SFML Game Does show up in the Visual C++ Template when creating a new project. I opened it up but I don't see the code that he showed in the quote. I've been learning to program in C++ for the past month but I haven't had to add new libraries or templates yet. To be honest even with this tutorial I have no idea what I'm doing. Could someone please help me get this running? I will attach a picture of my VC Directory.
Much appreciated.

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