Hello everyone,
I recently purchased this book:
http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0321712617The author uses their own wrapper called sb6, I'm assuming to make things easier. It's extremely confusing, although it incorporates GLFW from what I can tell. I knew this was the case before I purchased the book, however, I assumed that the actual OpenGL API function calls would be the same no matter what framework for handling windows you use. Apparently I was completely wrong. Even the first OpenGL function mentioned in the book, "glClearBufferfv()", doesn't work in SFML. What's weird is that some things do work, like the data type "GLfloat".
What I really want to do is write OpenGL applications inside SFML so I can have access to all of its useful features. What I really need to know is if this book is essentially a $50 paperweight for my purposes, and also if there is documentation somewhere on the API you
can use within SFML, where is it?
Thank you for the help,