To get it out of the way, we're using the correct libraries already (Double checked for debug libs).
Now for some odd reason we've been having a heap corruption issue in our game, and I turned on page-heap safety thing with gflags todo some hardcore debugging of it, and it keeps popping back to..
KernelBase.dll!_RaiseException@16() Unknown
[External Code]
msvcr120d.dll!operator new(unsigned int size) Line 63 C++
Game.exe!std::_Allocate<short>(unsigned int _Count, short * __formal) Line 28 C++
Game.exe!std::allocator<short>::allocate(unsigned int _Count) Line 578 C++
Game.exe!std::_Wrap_alloc<std::allocator<short> >::allocate(unsigned int _Count) Line 848 C++
Game.exe!std::vector<short,std::allocator<short> >::_Reallocate(unsigned int _Count) Line 1588 C++
Game.exe!std::vector<short,std::allocator<short> >::_Reserve(unsigned int _Count) Line 1619 C++
Game.exe!std::vector<short,std::allocator<short> >::resize(unsigned int _Newsize) Line 1107 C++
Game.exe!sf::SoundBuffer::initialize(sf::priv::SoundFile & file) Line 222 C++
> Game.exe!sf::SoundBuffer::loadFromFile(const std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > & filename) Line 84 C++
Game.exe!ResourceSound::resolve() Line 53 C++
The last place it goes before all hell breaks loose in MSVCR is
if ([0], sampleCount) == sampleCount)
With params.
+ &m_samples 0x3d857fcc { size=0 } std::vector<short,std::allocator<short> > *
+ file {m_file=0x795badd0 {...} m_memory={begin=0xcccccccc <Error reading characters of string.> current=0xcccccccc <Error reading characters of string.> ...} ...} sf::priv::SoundFile &
+ m_samples { size=0 } std::vector<short,std::allocator<short> >
sampleCount 357554 unsigned int
+ this 0x3d857fc8 {m_buffer=938442712 m_samples={ size=0 } m_duration={m_microseconds=0 } ...} sf::SoundBuffer *