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Messages - leafdj

Pages: [1]
General discussions / Re: Android and iOS ports available for testing
« on: September 09, 2014, 04:54:01 am »
Ah, perfect. I was trying to replicate the functionality in ResourceStream on my own. I didn't know I could simply move the header file to get access to it. Everything looks like its working, thanks for the help!

General discussions / Re: Android and iOS ports available for testing
« on: September 07, 2014, 10:34:44 pm »
It's not exposed yet, you'd have to write your own code around that. But I'm having the same issue, so very likely to submit something soon™.

Okay, thanks for the reply Mario. Wasn't sure if I was just missing a piece of the puzzle or not. I'll try and tinker with it a bit and see if I can make something work.

General discussions / Re: Android and iOS ports available for testing
« on: September 07, 2014, 09:04:54 pm »
Quick question about resource management on Android, I'm having a bit of a tough time reading a .txt file that I have defined in assets. I'm using an ifstream which works fine on Windows, but won't work on Android because the file is contained in the .apk. Is there a way to use the SFML Resource Manager that's used by Image Loading, etc., or is it better just to directly use the android asset manager?
Is there a way that I can get a reference to the file that can be treated the same way as the ifstream?
ie stream >> line?

Hmm, I'm running into errors recompiling SFML after updating to account for the branch merge.
Right now these are the steps I'm taking:
  • Using Cmake GUI on Windows:
  • Select source and build paths
  • Set ANDROID_NDK variable to point to my Android_NDK path
  • Hit Configure- Select MinGW Makefiles and specify toolchain for cross-compiling. Point to the SFML Android toolchain.
  • Warnings appear saying "Could not uniquely determine machine name"
  • Eh, what are warnings? Generate makefiles successfully.
  • Try to run make (both the one included with Cygwin and the one packaged with the NDK, neither worked) in the build dir. Get's to 66% then errors out saying "GL_FUNC_ADD was not declared in this scope"

I was able to build the SFML libs properly for Windows, though that was with running the make included with the Android ndk, which generated a Visual Studio solution that I used to compile it. I previously had the android implementation compiling too, and I don't think I'm doing anything differently this time around.

General discussions / Re: Android and iOS ports available for testing
« on: March 24, 2014, 02:12:44 am »
Thank you! Looks like that was it, in addition, I'm now seeing relevant messages in my logcat console as well, so it should be easier to debug problems now.
I had actually tried removing them all before, but sfml-activity would error out if I didn't include the audio and network shared libraries in the apk.

Just in case it's helpful, this is the logcat error when attempting to play the audio in the example app:
03-23 18:07:25.097    8680-8697/com.leafdj.app A/libc﹕ Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0x00000000 (code=1), thread 8697 (.leafdj.app)

General discussions / Re: Android and iOS ports available for testing
« on: March 23, 2014, 03:10:04 am »
Hi all! I'm running into the issue where the app crashes right off the bat without any errors. Both on a Nexus 4 emulator and on a Nexus S device. I believe it has to do with not launching the native activity.

I'm using the r9d release of the ndk, with the latest version of the ios_and_android branch, but I still tried building it with and without -DANDROID_USE_STLPORT=TRUE after I couldn't get it working the first time.
I believe it has to do with not launching the proper activity at the beginning, because I didn't see any similar errors with the ndk native activity example.

Is there a way for me to diagnose if it's something wrong with my SFML build or with my project settings?

--Additional Information--
Using Android Studio on Windows 8 64bit
I built SFML with 'cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" -DANDROID_NDK=C:/android-ndk-r9d -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=cmake/toolchains/android.toolchain.cmake'
'make install'

I'm using Android Studio, but have the project set up the same way as the native activity example, so I don't believe that is the problem.

I also included my Android Manifest file, thinking it might simply be a problem in there. It's slightly modified from the sfml example. The important part to note is that android.app.lib.name corresponds to libsfml-activity.so, and sfml.app.lib_name corresponds to libapp.so, which are both in libs/armeabi/.

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