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Messages - Jokler

Pages: [1]
Network / Re: sf::Http::Response::Status == 1000(InvalidResponse)
« on: March 18, 2014, 11:09:18 am »
Alright, will look into it.

And thank you for your help!

Network / sf::Http::Response::Status == 1000(InvalidResponse)
« on: March 18, 2014, 10:46:50 am »
Hi everyone!
I am new to the forum... :)

I tried to find out what exactly InvalidResponse means, but the only thing I found was a french topic and Google Translate is not the best at what it´s supposed to do... :P
What I think I could understand was that it has to do something with https, but I am not sure how to fix it...

int                             mCharID;
int                             mKeyID;
std::string             mVCode;

sf::Http                                        mHttp;
std::string                                     mPath;
sf::Http::Request                       mRequest;
sf::Http::Response                      mResponse;
sf::Http::Response::Status      mStatus;

mPath ="/account/" + FileName + "xml.aspx?";

if(mKeyID       != NULL){mPath = mPath + "&keyID=="                     + std::to_string(mKeyID); }
if(mVCode       != "")  {mPath = mPath + "&vCode="                      + mVCode; }
if(mCharID      != NULL){mPath = mPath + "&characterID="        + std::to_string(mCharID); }


mResponse = mHttp.sendRequest(mRequest);
mStatus   = mResponse.getStatus();

if(mStatus == sf::Http::Response::Ok)
        std::cout << mResponse.getBody() << std::endl;
} else
        std::cout << "Error " << mStatus << std::endl;

Pages: [1]