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Messages - Bobson

Pages: [1]
General / Changing screen when player is outside window.
« on: March 26, 2014, 07:09:42 pm »
I am creating my first game (for learning purposes) and its based on text commands. If i for example tell my player to move to the right screen i want him to move until he reaches the border of the screen and then switch to the next screen. See images for example.

then i enter move right

Right now the screen switches instantaneously as i type the command. I am trying to make a move function where i want him to move to the right and when he reaches the end the window the screen will switch. My question right now is how can i make him move to a vector (x,y) position over a certain time? I know i can change his position with mPlayer.setPosition(sf::vector2f) but then he will move instant and not over a certain time.

I have tested some with this code:

void Game::update(sf::Time deltaTime)
if (GoUp)
                Spelare.source.y = Spelare.Up;

        if (GoDown)
                Spelare.source.y = Spelare.Down;

        if (GoLeft)
                Spelare.source.y = Spelare.Left;

        if (GoRight)
                Spelare.source.y = Spelare.Right;

This is 4 different booleans for each direction so if i want him to move to a location i can set for example goUp and GoLeft to true but he will never stop and the code is ugly.

General / Re: Appending and writing a sf::string to a file.
« on: March 26, 2014, 04:12:49 pm »
Works as intended now, The issue didnt have anything to do with sfml , I didnt append the string properly in the function i used and it didnt write anything to my file.


General / Appending and writing a sf::string to a file.
« on: March 26, 2014, 03:41:08 pm »
Hello, I am trying to append a sf::string by adding text of type sf::Text. Then i want to write this file with a ofstream to a textfile. What i need this for is to save the history from the text input in my game.

Example Code):

sf::String string1 = "";
sf::Text text1("Input:  ", somefont, somesize);
sf::Text text2("Go north ", somefont, somesize);
sf::Text text3("Going north!", somefont, somesize);

string1 += text1.getString();
string1 += text2.getString();
string1 += text3.getString();

std::ofstream myfile;
myfile.open ("History.txt");
myfile << string1; //Error here, cant add a sf::string

I have tried casting the sf::string after the appending to a std::string like this:
std::string temp = string1;
but that doesent work either. whats the correct way of doing a appending and filewriting with a sf::string?
Would love to see some code examples aswell since im quite new to Sfml!

Pages: [1]