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Messages - EvOlLuTiOn

Pages: [1]
Graphics / Question about sprite/rectangle shape performance
« on: April 05, 2014, 10:05:26 pm »

while working on my game i noticed this. It looks like sprite gives better performance than rectangle shape.

Here is link to my example app https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/21883169/Release.rar

When using sprites i'm getting stable 80 FPS, but with rectangle shapes it's only 20 FPS. I mean shouldn't be performance with shapes better? Four times slower is a lot actually. Code for booth ways is almost identical.

I know that you can use vertex array, but i'm just curious about sprites/shapes overall performance (attached application is just demonstrational).

My second question is: Is it known fact that ATI GPU + AMD/INTEL CPU gives better performance in SFML than NVIDIA GPU + AMD/INTEL CPU?

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