SFML projects / Re: 'Tiled' Tile-map Loader
« on: April 22, 2014, 06:25:29 am »
Well I messed around with it for a number of hours today, I was able to get my program to compile in debug only... what made debug work was changing from sf::String to std::string and adding the full path to my files, for whatever reason. But when I try to run my program in release it still crashes from a buffer overrun :/ I'm not sure what to do to get release mode working. I tried googling my problem to try and find similar issues and they were all not very useful. I had a lead to possibly the encoding that was causing the buffer overrun but I don't know anything about encoding.
const std::string pathToPlayer = "C:\\Users\\Kevin\\Documents\\Visual Studio 11\\Projects\\Time-Voyager2\\player.png";
const std::string myMapString = "C:\\Users\\Kevin\\Documents\\Visual Studio 11\\Projects\\Time-Voyager2\\maps";
const std::string filename = "test.tmx";
const std::string caption = "TileD Maps";
int main(){
std::cout << myMapString.length();
tmx::MapLoader myMap(myMapString);
const std::string myMapString = "C:\\Users\\Kevin\\Documents\\Visual Studio 11\\Projects\\Time-Voyager2\\maps";
const std::string filename = "test.tmx";
const std::string caption = "TileD Maps";
int main(){
std::cout << myMapString.length();
tmx::MapLoader myMap(myMapString);