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Messages - kpax00

Pages: [1]
General / SFML QT Widget Problems
« on: April 15, 2014, 01:07:30 am »
I used the general code from this tutorial (http://becomingindiedev.blogspot.com/2013/10/qt-5-and-sfml-20-integration.html) with some minor modifications to get it work. I've been using the Qt Designer in Qt creator to edit the GUI and to place a "mycanvas" I've been placing a QWidget on the window and promoting it to a "mycanvas". This somewhat works but I have one major problem as shown in this picture:


The renderwindow cannot be resized. It's stuck at the bottom left of the widget. It's size it set to the minimum allowed size of the widget. Setsize of the renderwindow does nothing. Resizing the window changes the widget size but the size of the renderwindow always returns the same. The renderwindow location is always is the top left of the widget, not the top left of our displyed image. It's not the viewport or the view, I've played around with both and no results.

Any idea what may be causing it?

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