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Messages - SMURF4o0o

Pages: [1]
Network / HTTP Stream Response
« on: July 07, 2015, 11:55:16 am »
Hey guys I am trying to download an installer via HTTP.
My issue is since the installer can be quite large (currently 400MB with the possibility of growing), when the response is recieved the memory usage jumps as high as 900MB and my program crashes.
I am trying to flush the binary response to a file, so I can make a sillent install later on.
Is it possible to make the response streaming via the HTTP protocol (I am trying to avoid using ftp as that would mean dropping SFTP for FTP protocol, having a dedicated account for the download and so on).
Any suggestions on how to resolve my issue would be greatly appreciated.
PS: Awesome Library

General / Re: Cross-Platform Compilation
« on: May 08, 2014, 05:17:01 pm »
I know its sully, but you know how they say: Desperate times call for desperate measures. I would really love to keep the project enclosed (my own little creation) as I imagine with time it could blow up out of proportions.

Have you encountered anything similar? How would you approach such a problem?

General / Re: Cross-Platform Compilation
« on: May 08, 2014, 05:00:21 pm »
I've been looking on this topics for about a week now.
I would classify my results as 3 types of rumors:

1.) Can't be done. Just use dedicated software/hardware or both to compile. This would require a lot of computational power and/or financials with I am trying to avoid.
2.) Use Virtual machines and do pretty much the same basically compile it under each and every operating system you are trying to use it. Which is really not suitable as in the next stages I will be trying to automate the process (since it will be like a stand alone image gallery) and having to load VMware compile for all for each snippet of images seems kind of an overkill.
3.) Heard rumors of having a cross-compiler. Here things become a little dodgy. As far as I understand this means compiling your own compiler?!?!. And the information/articles/tutorials seem quite unclear on how that compilation happens and how it is used afterwards.

So after all this I thought I could just try and 'trick' my own compiler by renaming the dylib (the Mac libraries) to '.a' - as are in the Windows archive. So they compile and have everything needed to run under MacOS, sadly, but as expected it doesn't work.

I am aware that Apple are kind of picky about who and how develops products for their OS. But I picked C++ because of its native support on the different operating systems and now it seems it does me no good.

General / Re: Cross-Platform Compilation
« on: May 08, 2014, 04:36:21 pm »
I am sorry for the misunderstanding, when I was referring to Mac I was referring to the operating system. My goal is under Windows or Linux to be able to compile a file to be able to run on MacOS (without the need of Wine or similar).

General / Cross-Platform Compilation
« on: May 08, 2014, 04:16:50 pm »
First I want to say my big thanks to the team of SFML as the library is amazing and reduced my time developing significantly. I am kind of new to C++ development, so I am sorry if my question is somewhat misplaced. Now to the point:

I have developed a small C++ GUI application with SFML + Code Block under Windows 7 Home Premium statically. All works perfectly.

My current task is compiling it so work under Mac.  Installing a Mac for the compilation is out of the option, I am sorry to say, due to funding limitations. Is there a way I can compile my code for that OS,  my compiler is MinGW32 with a g++ version 4.8. I've heard of some cross-compilation techniques, but haven't had any luck finding a step by step instructions on how to achieve my goal. I imagine I need to link the dylib that come with the Mac archive, but the compiler says:

File format not recognized

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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