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Messages - Wrapperup

Pages: [1]
General / Re: Not understanding the physics of moving particle?
« on: May 18, 2014, 04:43:55 am »
If you are applying a constant velocity (or moving the ball every update), invert the axis that it bounces off of.

Hits a wall on the left, inverts x to go right, gets the ceiling, inverts y to go down and so on...

For detecting collision, there is a collision class, just google it up  :)

General / Re: Using Sprite Arrays
« on: May 18, 2014, 02:33:25 am »
Alright, then I'm going to have it set up like this:
Load sprite
Change TextureRect to fit each box (probably have arguments to define the size of each sprite box)
Draw for each box

All the drawing will be put into a RenderTexture, for easy management

Seems to be the best way i can think of.

General / Using Sprite Arrays
« on: May 18, 2014, 12:54:32 am »
Hi, I would like to use sprite arrays for my game's GUI class, as they are very easy to stylize and do fancy stuff.


The sprite array would show up in SFML like so:

Some parts will stretch across, some are the corners and the middle will resize to needs.

What would be the best way of achieving this?

Pages: [1]