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Messages - CDuck

Pages: [1]
General / Re: Setting up SFML 2.1 on Linux Mint 16 w/ Code::Blocks
« on: May 28, 2014, 04:21:49 am »
Thank you, Turbine for your response.  I will work on your suggestion.

eXpl0it3r, I did follow the directions exactly, and here are my errors:
undefined reference to 'jped_finish_compress@LIBJPEG_6.2'
undefined reference to 'jpeg_write_scanlines@LIBJPEG_6.2'

General / Setting up SFML 2.1 on Linux Mint 16 w/ Code::Blocks
« on: May 26, 2014, 07:21:02 pm »
I need some help setting up SFML 2.1 on Code::Blocks 13.12.

The official Linux Mint repositories are outdated most of the time, and they are outdated in the case of SFML.

I downloaded the package and unpacked it into usr/local.

I did not set the compiler or linker paths because the SFML and Linux tutorial told me not to.

Both with and without the SFML_STATIC under the '#defines' tab, I still get the errors about undefined references.  Under Link libraries, I have the libsfml-graphics.so, libsfml-window.so, and libsfml-system.so files added.

How can I get SFML to work?

I am using the code from the tutorial.

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