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Messages - ayebear

Pages: [1]
SFML projects / Re: Cells - Cellular Automaton Program
« on: May 30, 2014, 11:30:04 pm »
Thanks, I really appreciate it!

Do you remember if you were using a replicator rule set for that?

SFML projects / Cells - Cellular Automaton Program
« on: May 30, 2014, 04:58:25 am »
I wrote a program called "Cells" in C++ using SFML 2.1. It is a cellular automaton program, and was inspired by Conway's Game of Life. The interesting thing about it is that it supports custom rule sets, which change how the states of the cells are determined. It is also completely interactive, so you can change the states of the cells on or off by clicking and dragging with your mouse (even while it is simulating). There is a GUI to control various settings, such as the rules (which can be entered by the string format or by left/right clicking the states of the table). You can also save/load the board, record screenshots, change the color palettes, and copy/paste.

You can read about more features, check out the source code, or download a build here:

A screenshot of the program after some scribbling:

Another screenshot of a different rule set, with different colors, and zoomed in to see the grid:

I hope this program is useful and/or fun, and I welcome any criticism/feedback.

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