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Messages - kovacsmarcell99

Pages: [1]
General discussions / Re: SFML Network with SDL2
« on: June 20, 2014, 11:49:42 am »
I have a wierd error i use Visual C++
Error message: https://imgur.com/6dSINtG
Minimal code (Source code): http://pastebin.com/mtKJewx7

I get the error then i recive large strings like ~150 characters or more!
The problem can be solved by adding a text.reserve(1) so if the error is not my fault a text.reserve(1) should be added to the recive(Packet& packet) function!

Please check the source!

I tested it on Linux and it works properly it's a Visual C++ problem!

General discussions / Re: SFML Network with SDL2
« on: June 20, 2014, 10:23:09 am »
Is there a planned support of IPv6?
Can i dynamic link SDL2 and static link SFML at the same time?

General discussions / Re: SFML Network with SDL2
« on: June 19, 2014, 07:49:51 pm »
Does the SFML Network module work with Android and iOS? And if not will it?

General discussions / SFML Network with SDL2
« on: June 19, 2014, 06:29:39 pm »
I have a program using SDL2, SDL2_ttf, SDL2_image and SDL2_mixer!
I thought about using SDL_net for networking but i saw the networking module of SFML and the packet system for TCP and i would like to use ONLY the Network module of SFML from the SFML library.

Is that possible?

Is there a Packet system for SDL_net (the offical hasn't got one)?

Pages: [1]