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Messages - Temeez

Pages: [1]
Everytime you call loadFromFile you reinitialize the sf::Shader instance. Calling it multiple times won't add the shaders to the same program. To load a vertex and fragment shaders in the same sf::Shader, use the other overload of loadFromFile. Well, in fact just read the dedicated doc and tutorials...

Well, I did, but I might have missed that part. For me the forums is the last place to seek help. Anyways, thx alot, stuff makes sense now! :)


For some reason "view", "projection" and "model" parameters are not found in shader. They are being used in there and according http://www.sfml-dev.org/documentation/2.1/classsf_1_1Shader.php mat4 is supported.

I'm using couple weeks old SFML master version.

SFML projects / Re: Feather Kit - A C++ Game Framework
« on: June 30, 2014, 06:47:16 pm »
I registered just to say this: Awesome job mate, I just found this today and its very awesome!

Those examples are intriguing and I hope their source code will be available later. :)

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