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Messages - Codespear

Pages: [1]
SFML projects / Re: Feedback wanted - Simple Gravity Game.
« on: August 10, 2014, 02:58:12 pm »
Hmm, I have used the wrong word in my previous comment. Sorry about that.

Instead of:
What about starting the rubber line wherever I push LMB, not requiring me to drag it from the launcher every time.

I wanted to say:
 "What about starting the rubber line whenever I push LMB, not requiring me to drag it from the launcher every time."

So, the rubber band will look the same as it does now.   

SFML projects / Re: Feedback wanted - Simple Gravity Game.
« on: August 10, 2014, 02:38:59 pm »
Cool concept. Even without sound it is quite fun to play.
I like it just the way it is; but I'll make a small suggestion for you to consider.  What about starting the rubber line wherever I push LMB, not requiring me to drag it from the launcher every time. I am not sure if this will be better, but it may be worth a try.

What happens if you try this from the command prompt (running from the Debug folder):

g++ "-IC:\\SFML-2.1-windows-gcc-4.7-mingw-32bits\\SFML-2.1\\include" -O0 -g3 -Wall -c -fmessage-length=0 -o GameRun.o "..\\GameRun.cpp"

If this does not work it is not an eclipse configuration issue.

This won't help, but I think you should also consider adding -std=c++0x to the compiler options.

General / Re: String to movement help
« on: August 03, 2014, 09:42:44 am »

You may want to reconsider the output of your A* algorithm.  Instead of it producing a sequence of movements, let it instead produce a sequence of way-points.  There is little reason to encode this list into a string; keep the points as Vector2f in a std::vector or something. 

These way-points are then the plan (or a map) for the player.  He must follow this plan to get to the destination.

Given the plan, the you take the first way-point and make it the destination of the player.  Based on the destination and the player's current position you work out the move direction (such as 'up').  Then, in the game loop, you move the player a tiny bit in that direction.  When it reaches the destination, you remove the way-point from the plan, and choose the next way-point.  Then you repeat the process just described. When the plan is empty, the player has reached its destination.     

General / Re: Problems rendering TileMaps
« on: August 03, 2014, 09:19:47 am »

Using the vertex array is good idea, but it is unlikely to solve the 2 fps you measure.

There are two possible causes I can think of:
a. Your game loop is not working well
b. Fraps is not measuring what you think its measuring. 

If the problem is (a) we need to see the main loop code in order to help you.

To see if the problem is (b) measure the fps yourself (counting in your game loop).  Then compare with fraps.  I do not know fraps at all, but this investigation might guide you in some other direction.

Pages: [1]