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Messages - Azmandias

Pages: [1]
When you insert the texture into the map, you create a copy. The local object -- which you reference from the sprite -- is destroyed at the end of the scope.
That's what I thought, but what threw me off was the penultimate object in the vector being fine.
Out of a size object test, the fifth is the only one that is the right size after I push it into the vector, and the only one that I can get from the vector later that is the right size.  Why does it work for that one, but not the others?

Graphics / Sprite Texture Reference Invalidated by vector.push_back
« on: July 20, 2014, 01:22:02 am »
Hi, y'all.
I've been trying to load a series of sprites into a vector via the following loop.
                sf::Sprite spritey;
                for (unsigned int i = 0, k = 0; i < tobesprited.size(); ++k) {
                                loadSprite(tobesprited.at(i), &spritey);
Where loadSprite is
void loadSprite(int textCode, sf::Sprite* spritey) {
                        //textMap is an unordered_map I keep textures in
auto checkExists = textMap.find(textCode);
if (checkExists == textMap.end()) {
                        sf::Texture     texturey;
                        char texName[64];
                        sprintf_s(textName, 64, "./pics/%i.jpg", textCode);
                        //textMap is an unordered_map I keep textures in
                        textMap.insert(std::make_pair(textCode, texturey));
The problem happens at
                                loadSprite(tobesprited.at(i), &spritey);
If I check the size of the texture spritey references after I load the sprite, it's exactly what it's supposed to be.  But if I check it after spriteVector.push_back, it'll be 3435973836 by 3435973836, except on the penultimate sprite in the vector.  Then, if I leave the window, I'll get a Divide by Zero exception from Texture.cpp
 // If pixels are flipped we must invert the Y axis
            if (texture->m_pixelsFlipped)
                matrix[5] = -matrix[5];
//On the next line
                matrix[13] = static_cast<float>(texture->m_size.y / texture->m_actualSize.y);
I've tried rewriting the vector to handle unique_ptr<sf::Sprite>'s, but it doesn't fix anything.  What am I doing wrong?

Compiled on VS2013, SFML Dynamic.

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