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Messages - Marek500

Pages: [1]
General discussions / Re: SFML 2.2 release date
« on: July 26, 2014, 01:04:32 pm »

Thank you for your answer. I obviously know that SFML git versions are super stable (I've been using them for years), but some people on university just don't realise that git version can be stable :/ I tried to explain it but they say that the version is stable when author releases a stable version and labels it (just like 2.1 is labaled as stable on the website)... I can't do anything with it.


I didn't know it. Quickly looking at bug tracker I saw that basically all 2.2 issues already have patches/ongoing work and only the focus functions are far away from being finished. So it looks like I will need to have some patience or just compile it with git version and tell them it was compiled with 2.1, most likely no one will notice.

General discussions / SFML 2.2 release date
« on: July 26, 2014, 12:08:52 pm »

I want to ask if there is any chance that SFML 2.2 is released before the next academic year (october)?

I will need to work on a bigger project on university then, but I am only allowed to use stable version of libraries, and SFML 2.1 has that insane bug with focus on Windows. And 2.0 has too many bugs in general. Currently I develop using the git version and it works well, but I will need to deploy it in november and I must do it with stable version of SFML. Is there any chance for october-november release?

It seems like the get/set focus funtion is the blocker of release as there is no work on the X11 part, unfortunately I can't help because I have no knowledge of X11 programming.

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