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Messages - Vect0rZ

Pages: [1]
Thanks again =]]

Sorry for my endless questions, but let me ask something else,

Is it normal if I do Tile maps this way? Like every tile is a textured sprite, and position a little less than thousand of those on the screen? Or use the Quads and primitives as in the SFML Documentation tutorial?

Thank you for the reply.

About the sprite: Yes, my bad, I was speaking about Texture.

I understand what you mean. I asked because let's imagine the scenario if a level have for example 90 items wich have Textures (pngs) wich are 1mb. That makes 90mb and it sure seems alot. Or is it normal?

General / Semi technical question about loading a sprite from a file.
« on: August 15, 2014, 04:53:40 pm »
Hey guys,

If I have used the method to load a sprite from file, does the sprite writes itself in to the memory after it's being loaded?
Or when running the *.exe file it reads them from the file and there is no need for it to write itself in to the RAM or VRAM?

Thanks in advance, and sorry for the bad structure of my question.

General / Re: Question about handling large data.
« on: July 29, 2014, 01:09:02 pm »
Thanks for the fast reply.

Excuse me, but you mean like using ostreams, and reading the data from there?

Background [Resources/level1.png];

General / Question about handling large data.
« on: July 29, 2014, 11:22:59 am »

I'm new around theese forums and lately been using SFML(C++).

I did some stuff, but now I'm wondering something:

Let's say I got a class Levels{}; with some properties like: name, background sprite, number of objects, height, width... .
And class Objects with allmost the same properties wich i will use in the level.


Now let's say my game have like 200 levels (only example), how should I store properly the info?

1. Should i load all those levels before game start?
2. If i have to load them one by one, should i store them somehow in a class or functions and call them on certain conditions?

Thanks in advance! =]

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