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Messages - thuglief

Pages: [1]
General discussions / Re: SFML Questions from a new engine developer
« on: August 05, 2014, 04:34:35 am »
This was a very informative post and I greatly appreciate it, thanks!

General discussions / SFML Questions from a new engine developer
« on: August 05, 2014, 03:00:32 am »
Hi, I've done game scripting but never made an engine, so I have some questions regarding SFML since I really like it so far but want to know if it fits what I need before I dedicate myself to it. I still have very much to learn about engine development so please excuse dumb questions.

 - I don't know anything about porting games (and haven't been able to find any good info about it, if someone can point me in the direction of some resources fully explaining porting that would be very helpful) but would I be able to port SFML to platforms that aren't listed on the site (Win/Mac/Linux), such as PS4, Xbox One, WiiU, 3DS, Android, etc? Does anybody know if SFML would work on the Dreamcast?

 - Is SFML complete enough that I would be able to make a full SNES-tier game with it? I've used other APIs before only to find out later that they aren't actually 'complete'.

 - Is SFML 'open' enough that I can use Lua or Python as a scripting language with it? As in, are there features in the language that allow for this?

 -  At what level does SFML become a burden over going straight to OpenGL, performance wise? As long as I'm using good algorithms and my engine is realtively optimized or well thought out, should there be no issue with my engine running at 60 fps (and my game is like an SNES-tier game)?

 - Is there anything about SFML that a developer should know before dedicating themselves to making a full length complete game with it? Is it missing anything, is it buggy, anything like this, or is it fully ready to go?

Please excuse my english if it is bad as it's not my first language. I really like what I have tried of SFML, very easy and fun to use. Thanks!  ;D

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