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Messages - majesty2450

Pages: [1]
I made an issue here: https://github.com/SFML/SFML/issues/679

Sorry in advance if there are problems with anything I do using github. I have never used github in my life.

I am new to this forum, so sorry in advance if it was a bad idea posting this here, especially on an old topic...

I am new to SFML, and really like it. I was working on stretching the screen contents with the window while maintaining aspect ratio of the contents. I was able to get it working, however on fullscreen it was all distorted. After much frustration and what now appears wasted time I have come to the conclusion that it does not appear to be my code, and the problem is fixed by following the solution posted here...

I do not actually now if it is from getSize(), but the solution fixed the issue and the dpi made some sense.

I was wondering if there are any other solutions to this other than manually setting compatibility settings on the exe. Any progress / updates / anything really on this. I was unable to find this under bugs.

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