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Messages - stubbz

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I tried using an sfml mutex to no avail... I'm thinking it's something to do with my build of sfml.

So I've distilled my code down to this.

class SynthStream : public sf::SoundStream

                this->initialize(1, 44100);

        std::mutex _mutex;
        //sf::Mutex _mutex;
        virtual bool onGetData(Chunk& data)
                std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_mutex);
                //sf::Lock lock(_mutex);

                return true;
        virtual void onSeek(sf::Time timeOffset)


int main()
        const int width = 800;
        const int height = 200;

        sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(width, height), "StubbzDSP.CPP.Visualization");

        SynthStream stream;

        while (stream.getStatus() == SynthStream::Playing && window.isOpen())


        return 0;

And it's still throwing memory access errors (specifically on the _mutex member), I'm thinking perhaps it's my compilation of the SFML, one of the .dll's that I have included, or project settings.

I'm not sure I understand.. are you saying that it is more important to protect access to the reference to the class versus the state that the class carries?  Currently I'm wrapping any changes in state in a mutex.

What I'm saying is... I'm doing this...

void Class:doIt(){
   //change state


Should I be doing...

void main(){


I'm not sure I fully understand at a low level how data races are resulting in crashes..  I understand a race condition happening and a wrong value being stored, but not the case where a member variable is inaccessable.  Is it due to a race condition in how the member variables are accessed/addressed in memory?

Sorry, didn't wanna blast you with my code and say please fix it :P ..

the stream / main
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
#include <SFML/Audio.hpp>
#include "Signals.h"
#include "Waveforms.h"
#include "Wavetable.h"
#include <array>
#include <cmath>
#include "DspMath.h"
#include <iostream>
#include "Synth.h"
#include "SynthFactory.h"
#include "Spectrometer.h"
#include <functional>
#include <queue>
using namespace std;
using namespace synth;

#include <concurrent_queue.h>

class SynthStream : public sf::SoundStream

        SynthStream(synth::Synth& synth, Spectrometer& spectrometer) :
                this->initialize(1, 44100);
        //queue<Signal> _results;
        Synth& _synth;
        Spectrometer& _spectrometer;
        virtual bool onGetData(Chunk& data)
                Signal signal = _synth.getSignal(4096);
                const SignalVector& signalVector = signal.getSignalVector();
                unsigned int length = signalVector.size();
                sf::Int16* samples = new sf::Int16[length];
                for (int sample = 0; sample < length; sample++)
                        double value = signalVector[sample];
                        samples[sample] = 10000* value;
                        if (sample % 10 == 0)
                data.samples = samples;
                data.sampleCount = length;

                return true;
        virtual void onSeek(sf::Time timeOffset)


int main()
        const int width = 800;
        const int height = 200;

        sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(width, height), "StubbzDSP.CPP.Visualization");

        unsigned int sampleRate = 44100;

        const synth::Wavetable wavetable = synth::wavetable::getWavetable();
        const synth::filters::FilterTable filterTable = synth::filters::getFilterTable();
        synth::DefaultSynthFactory synthFactory;
        synth::Synth synth = synthFactory.createSynth(sampleRate, wavetable, filterTable);

        unsigned int rootNote = 69 - 24;
        synth.enableNote(rootNote, 1);
        synth.enableNote(rootNote + 7, 1);
        //synth.enableNote(rootNote - 5, 1);

        double scale = (height) / 4;

        sf::View view(sf::FloatRect(0, 0, width, height));

        view.move(0, -scale * 2);

        Spectrometer spectrometer(width, height, 5);

        SynthStream stream(synth, spectrometer);

        std::queue<Signal> signals;
        unsigned int c = 72 - 12;
        unordered_map<sf::Keyboard::Key, unsigned int> keyMap {
                        { sf::Keyboard::A, c },      //c
                                        { sf::Keyboard::W, c + 1 },  //c#
                        { sf::Keyboard::S, c + 2 },  //d
                                        { sf::Keyboard::E, c + 3 },  //d#
                        { sf::Keyboard::D, c + 4 },  //e
                        { sf::Keyboard::F, c + 5 },  //f
                                        { sf::Keyboard::T, c + 6 },  //f#
                        { sf::Keyboard::G, c + 7 },  //g
                                        { sf::Keyboard::Y, c + 8 },  //g#
                        { sf::Keyboard::H, c + 9 },  //a
                                        { sf::Keyboard::U, c + 10 }, //a#
                        { sf::Keyboard::J, c + 11 }, //b
                        { sf::Keyboard::K, c + 12 }, //c
                                        { sf::Keyboard::O, c + 13 }, //c#
                        { sf::Keyboard::L, c + 14 }, //d
                                        { sf::Keyboard::P, c + 14 }, //d#

        double value = 0;

        while (stream.getStatus() == SynthStream::Playing && window.isOpen())

                        sf::Event event;
                        while (window.pollEvent(event))
                                if (event.type == sf::Event::Closed)

                                if (event.type == sf::Event::KeyPressed)
                                        auto key = event.key.code;
                                        auto mapping = keyMap.find(key);
                                        if (mapping != keyMap.end()){
                                                synth.enableNote(mapping->second, 1);
                                        } else
                                                if (key == sf::Keyboard::Up)
                                                        value += .2;
                                                        if (value > 1)
                                                                value = 1;
                                                } else if (key == sf::Keyboard::Down)
                                                        value -= .2;
                                                        if (value < 0)
                                                                value = 0;
                                if (event.type == sf::Event::KeyReleased)
                                        auto key = event.key.code;
                                        auto mapping = keyMap.find(key);
                                        if (mapping != keyMap.end()){




        return 0;


#pragma once

#include "SignalGenerator.h"
#include <unordered_map>
#include "Note.h"
#include <mutex>

namespace synth{
        class Synth
                Synth(unique_ptr<SignalGenerator> signalGeneratorFactory, unsigned int sampleRate);
                Synth(Synth&& other);
                Synth& operator=(Synth&& other) = delete;
                Synth(const Synth& other) = delete;
                Synth& operator= (const Synth& other) = delete;

                void Synth::enableNote(char midiNoteId, double velocity);
                void Synth::disableNote(char midiNoteId);
                Signal getSignal(unsigned int signalLength);

                unique_ptr<SignalGenerator> _signalGenerator;
                unordered_multimap<char, Note*> _notes;
                unsigned int _sampleRate;
                mutex _noteLock;

#include "Synth.h"
#include "DspMath.h"
#include "SignalFunctions.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>

using namespace synth;

Synth::Synth(unique_ptr<SignalGenerator> signalGenerator, unsigned int sampleRate)
        : _signalGenerator(move(signalGenerator)), _sampleRate(sampleRate){}
Synth::Synth(Synth&& other)
        : _signalGenerator(move(other._signalGenerator)), _sampleRate(other._sampleRate), _notes(move(_notes)){}

        //TODO make sure that all the _notes are being deleted from "this->_notes"

void Synth::enableNote(char midiNoteId, double velocity){

        auto existingNotes = _notes.equal_range(midiNoteId);

        //TODO update velocity
        for (auto it = existingNotes.first; it != existingNotes.second; ++it){

        //TODO this current logic only allows one note of an id
        if (existingNotes.first == existingNotes.second){
                double frequency = dspMath::convertMidiNoteToFrequency(midiNoteId);
                _notes.emplace(std::pair<char, Note*>(midiNoteId, new Note(midiNoteId, frequency, velocity)));


void Synth::disableNote(char midiNoteId){
        //TODO instead of erasing _notes, mark their statuses as being completed
        //auto existingNotes = _notes.equal_range(midiNoteId);





Signal Synth::getSignal(unsigned int signalLength){


        vector<const shared_ptr<Signal>> signals;

        for (auto it = _notes.begin(); it != _notes.end(); ++it){

                Note& note = *it->second;

                SignalConfiguration& configuration = note.getConfiguration(signalLength, _sampleRate);
                unique_ptr<SignalConfiguration> nextConfiguration = unique_ptr<SignalConfiguration>(new SignalConfiguration(note.getFrequency(), signalLength, _sampleRate, note.isNoteOff()));
                SignalCache signalCache;
                shared_ptr<Signal> signal = _signalGenerator->getSignal(configuration, *nextConfiguration, signalCache);
                if (signal->isComplete()){

        return signals::mixSignals(signals, signalLength);


#include <SFML/Graphics/Drawable.hpp>
#include <SFML/Graphics/VertexArray.hpp>
#include <SFML/Graphics/RenderTarget.hpp>
#include <SFML/Graphics/RenderWindow.hpp>
#include <SFML/System/Thread.hpp>
#include <mutex>

class Spectrometer //: public sf::Drawable
        Spectrometer(unsigned int width, unsigned int height, double thickness);
        Spectrometer(Spectrometer&& other);
        Spectrometer& operator=(Spectrometer&& other) = delete;
        Spectrometer(const Spectrometer& other) = delete;
        Spectrometer& operator= (const Spectrometer& other) = delete;
        void addValue(double value);
        sf::VertexArray _wave;
        void draw(sf::RenderWindow& window) ;

        void setValue(unsigned x, double value);
        unsigned int _width;
        unsigned int _height;
        double _yScale;
        double _thickness;
        unsigned int _currentX;

         std::mutex _lock;


Spectrometer::Spectrometer(Spectrometer&& other)
        : _width(other._width),

Spectrometer::Spectrometer(unsigned width, unsigned height, double thickness)
        : _width(width),
        _yScale(height / 2),
        _wave(sf::VertexArray(sf::TrianglesStrip, width * 2)),
        for (unsigned int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                this->setValue(x, 0);

void Spectrometer::draw(sf::RenderWindow& window)


        sf::RectangleShape line(sf::Vector2f(_thickness * 2, _height));
        line.setPosition(_currentX, -_yScale);



void Spectrometer::addValue(double value)

        if (_currentX * 2 + 1 > _wave.getVertexCount() - 1)
                _currentX = 0;
        this->setValue(_currentX, value);



void Spectrometer::setValue(unsigned int x, double value)
        auto color = sf::Color::Black;
        if (x + 1 <= _wave.getVertexCount() - 1)
                double scaledValue = value * _yScale * .5;
                _wave[2 * x] = sf::Vertex(sf::Vector2f(x, scaledValue + _thickness), color);
                _wave[2 * x + 1] = sf::Vertex(sf::Vector2f(x, scaledValue - _thickness), color);


I'll toss a mutex in and see if that clears things up.. It's bizarre that I was able to stop the crashes just by adding a member to the class though..

AHHHH!!! I noticed I had a leak, but couldn't think of where it could be happening... thanks for bringing that up.. I figured that SFML would clean up after me.  Thanks!

I added mutexes in where necessary, but I'm still running into the same sort of errors.
although now it's unable to read the memory location of the mutex member.

Would it matter that the members of the SoundStream (as well as the soundstream) are allocated on the stack?

I am using VS2013 -- I compiled it myself using cmake and the sfml source in the git repository.

I was able to get it to stop throwing the exception... but the way I did it makes no sense to me.  (Check the edit on the stack overflow post)

Audio / Custom soundstream implementation throws error in msvcr120.dll
« on: August 18, 2014, 01:40:05 am »
I'm having an issue with a custom soundstream that is described here http://stackoverflow.com/questions/25354609/custom-sfml-soundstream-is-throwing-memory-access-exception

It appears that the queue that I am trying to place results into somehow becomes corrupted and is unable to access certain portions of memory.

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