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Messages - _seb_

Pages: [1]
General discussions / My discoveries whilst using SFML
« on: August 31, 2009, 02:29:21 pm »
Quote from: "Laurent"

Many features could be added with 2 lines of code, that's not my main concern. For a feature to be added to SFML it must first proves to be consistent, relevant, simple and clean. This particular feature has still not been implemented because I can't see any useful usage for it. Non-smoothed fonts are just ugly.

1- Maybe, smoothed fonts are not suitable for laptop displays and LCD screens.
2- If I want to use my own font, perhaps it's better to disable smooth texture.
3- As you said Laurent,
We could imagine rendering a scene to a more accurate media than the screen (like printing it in high resolution).

In this way, automaticaly smoothed fonts should be depreciated (but could be the default behavior).

I love criticism too, so don't hesitate to disagree on what I said :)
SFML is already great like this. Add more and more features, IMHO, is not compatible with the "simple concept" of SFML. But I think this feature doesn't break any things.

General / Scripting module for SFML
« on: August 28, 2009, 04:43:13 pm »
Just for information: ChaiScript 1.3 Released


•Allow floating point numbers without a leading 0.
•Fix dispatch of functions that take boost::shared_ptr parameters.
•Add "use" function for loading ChaiScript files from within ChaiScript files.
•Double performance of tightloops by speeding up operator dispatches.
•Prevent the use of reserved words as function and object names.
•Fix error messages for failed "clone" calls.
•Correct scope of for and while loop variable declarations.
•Correct some bootstrapped types in Windows port.
•Provide start and end extents for parse/eval error reporting.

General / Scripting module for SFML
« on: August 12, 2009, 10:30:24 am »

From http://www.chaiscript.com/faq

Why use ChaiScript?
The current defacto-standard of embedded scripting is Lua. Lua is a great, simple language that serves its purpose well. However, it is written in pure ANSI C. While this gives it outstanding portability, it greatly limits its ability to interact well with C++.

ChaiScript, on the other hand, was designed from the ground up with integration with C++ in mind.

To effectively use Lua, a language designed for embedding, with C++, you must use a preprocessor or meta compiler such as toLua++ or SWIG. While these tools are helpful, they do add unnecessary complexity to your application when you did not specifically need Lua and instead were searching for a simple way to provide scripting capabilities to your application.

Similarly, boost::python, while avoiding the meta-compiler, adds the complexity and size of libpython and python module system.

ChaiScript has no meta-compiler, no library dependencies, no build system requirements and no legacy baggage of any kind. At can work seamlessly with any C++ functions you expose to it. It does not have to be told explicitly about any type, it is function centric.

With ChaiScript you can literally begin scripting your application by adding three lines of code to your program and not modifying your build steps at all.

Graphics / upside-down textures in OpenGL
« on: August 10, 2009, 11:19:00 am »
For information:
OpenGL origin is at the lower left but texture origin is at upper left.
See http://www.opengl.org/resources/features/KilgardTechniques/oglpitfall/
Item 12 OpenGL's Lower Left Origin

General discussions / Linux problem - permisions?
« on: July 29, 2009, 02:09:04 pm »
Try to execute glxinfo (a OpenGL tool).

Maybe, your user have a .driconf in his homedirectory (delete this file if exists and try again to execute SFML programs).

Check the permissions on card device (/dev/card0 probably). Your user have maybe not the video group permissions.

Pages: [1]