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Messages - comme

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If your application is performance critical use shaders, really!
If you don't use shaders, your application can't be performance critical, or you've left out the important information. You're then left with keeping a copy of sf::Image or better yet a std::vector<sf::Unit8> on the RAM, doing your pixel manipulation and then calling update() on the sf::Texture.
ah well. Thanks.

I need the best possible framerate I can get for my software rendering project.
I remember using sdl years ago and getting around 8000fps writing (almost) directly to vram, same with directdraw, but with update() I count very few fps....

Graphics / efficient method for manipulating pixel data of surfaces/images
« on: September 30, 2014, 10:28:24 pm »
I want to draw directly to the renderwindow, and I see I can use sprites, images, textures, that sfml displays on the screen.
I am trying to avoid the overhead of copying megabytes of screen arrays around, my application is performance critical.
Is there any particular method/trick to manipulate the pixels or do I have to use update() (I remember the developer of this library saying years ago that it does a full copy)

Thanks for any input

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