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Messages - dark ninjuh

Pages: [1]
General / Re: MinGW install error?
« on: October 17, 2014, 12:36:33 pm »
You might want to try the CMake MinGW Makefile generator instead.
I installed directly from MinGW with a rebuilt MinGW makefile. Same errors.
yeah i'm just going with your nightly builds.

General / MinGW install error?
« on: October 17, 2014, 09:40:24 am »
OS:Windows 7 32 bit
IDE:Codeblocks | MinGW
Compiler:g++ 4.9.1

Got the sfml-master branch. I first tried to cmake a codeblocks project file. Worked with no errors. When i tried to install the generated project i got these errors
(click to show/hide)
Then under complete reassurance that it wasn't my IDE being weird, I installed directly from MinGW with a rebuilt MinGW makefile. Same errors.

going to try to include as much relevant  details as possible:
my MinGW is installed in my codeblocks directory. programfiles/codeblocks/MinGW <----------- here
To get cmake to not return any errors i originally had to rename my mingw32 folder to MinGW |

I have this MinGW version :
Im using this one so i get full c++ 11 support.

I also remember having to copy libwinpthread-1.dll to the cmake/lib directory because it was giving me that error ever since i switched to that MinGW version."your computer does not have libwinpthread-1.dll " or something like that, it was IN my MinGW folder (which it had recognized) but just putting it in the cmake bin worked.

In the spoiler it says recipe target for "all" because i originally tried install. Then just tried all to see if it would fix (and i tried install from g++ cmd that returned the same error, so the "all" is irrelevant.)

I did search the error in the forum search but returned no results. any help is appreciated.

General / Re: pretty confused
« on: October 15, 2014, 09:40:49 am »
well... now i feel dumb.. it all makes sense now. Thanks for that clarification.one last thing though. what about like i said. if you have an sfml project generated. then you want to add like thor into there. and generate a different project.. then you have 2 projects configured for 2 different things? or when you have 3 things you want to use like sfml, thor, and tmx loader. that i dont get.

General / Re: pretty confused
« on: October 15, 2014, 09:34:28 am »
I don't understand what you're asking here.
Like instead of creating a new project in an IDE, blank project. project properties. link the include files the bin set SFML_STATIC and all that. cmake just, makes that for you?  Any project ive ever done, ive just did it that way. configure the project properties to make it work.  so cmake simplifies this?

General / Re: pretty confused
« on: October 15, 2014, 09:24:27 am »

If you don't get things to build, you can always consider my Nightly Builds.
i have them. its the linking to tmx loader that would be the last problem. I didnt want to throw my errors at the forum and have someone solve it for me, I can work out the current cmake errors eventually. It was the "point" of cmake that i just couldn't grasp. But pretty much cmake is supposed to make things simpler? Why cant i just configure my IDE to just link it instead of generating a project file. Now that i understand that it doesn't build the library (that clears that confusion up) . So it Would be possible to just link it. though its reccomended to cmake the project file?

General / pretty confused
« on: October 15, 2014, 08:29:42 am »
I don't understand the point of cmake.. When you download "latest files from github" it has whats needed. why cant you just open an IDE, and set the paths to where those files are. usually the "include" and "bin" folders are full of dll's and .cpp and /hpp files and everything thats needed i just don't get it.. Cmake did work before. i "built with cmake" with no errors (not ever since i updated mingw to 4.9.1) but to use external libraries together apparently you have to cmake them all (i could do . still makes no sense) with sfml. (example, sfml with sfgui,thor,tmx loader) you would have to use cmake. i can use sfml, like the sdk. when i built with cmake before (i tried codeblocks::mingw build, then just tried mingw) i ended up with no .cpp and .hpp and not all the dll's that were needed in the resulting files . like all it did was remove some files and create a new pointless folder filled with half of what was in the original. (and there were no errors). then if i ever DID figure out how to properly build everything i wouldn't know where to begin linking multiple extentions together in one folder to work together. And i CONSTANTLY hear on this forum "these people never learn there tools" , i have post powned posting about it for like 3-4 days just simply trying to get things built properly . I seriously can make things with these tools its the "building most recent with cmake linking the corresponding version to the latest github repository to the sfml version" that gets very vague to me.

Im not asking for anything to be done for me, My goal is to have a project using sfml, (possibly thor) and the tmx loader working together. I just dont understand the result of a cmake build to get to that step. (yes with the codeblocks build i "built" the generated project file, or in the just mingw ran the g++ command) Windows is so confusing. Linux was SO MUCH EASIER.

General / c++11?
« on: October 13, 2014, 10:10:08 am »
hello. I know this is not typically "sfml" related, But posts in c++ related topics found no solutions. Since i've seen the use of to_string used in sfml programs here on the forums, i'm asking how to get to c++11's standards with what i have. Just so i don't have to post an entire page of information, here is the last post i made related to this topic which found no solution .
posted all info here:
with no avail, i'm still unable to get use of to_string.
Any help from here would be greatly appreciated. Apologies for most likely non-sfml related topic.

General / Re: sfml book
« on: October 09, 2014, 08:19:50 am »
That's not code from the book. The book code is also on GitHub and reads like this.
i was referring to the way TimePerFrame is declared in the book. and i cant load GitHub pages.

General / sfml book
« on: October 09, 2014, 08:10:22 am »
I got the book, did the first chapter. and i wanted to add frames like it did. i added text no problem , its the getting the frames to show on the text i cant manage to figure out. Should i just NOT do it the way the book does? i dont know how to convert a float to string . compiler throws "conversion is ambiguous" at me.

Code: [Select]
sf::String frames;
frames = TimePerFrame.asSeconds(); // <-- this throws error I thought that's how you used this, apparently not
Scary = sf::Text(frames,scaryFont);

sadly have been trying to solve this one problem for over an hour. no solutions found.
(most people that i see posting on here helped WRITE the book, figured no more needed to be added to the post than my little bit)

General / Re: General question
« on: October 08, 2014, 11:19:15 am »

To be honest, I find it hard to believe that you've been studying C++ for 5 years and haven't understood the OOP concepts.

Out of curiosity, what are the books/articles you've read to learn about the concepts like virtual functions and polymorphism?
C++ A Beginner's Guide 2nd Edition (2003) <-- cant recover link just have the copy
Thats the digital copies of books that i have, All my hard copies of other books i dont have any more.
and i dont think criticizing my learning pace is appropriate for this forum... if your really curious i have sites in which i signed up for around the time i started that have beginner code that i had made. pm me if your really that curious.

General / Re: General question
« on: October 08, 2014, 10:55:35 am »
Have you tried to implement the concepts in code?
I do attempt. But when i actually try to "use" advanced concepts in my code i run into brick walls and no way to logically get around them. and end up just using a standard noobish style to preform the task. Like trying to make a class then finding out in one of the functions declared i needed to manage the window, which was declared in main so its not accessible from that class. Things like that is my problem.

General / Re: General question
« on: October 08, 2014, 10:13:22 am »
"simple 2d game" is a rather vague description. You don't need polymorphism or anything complex for a Tic Tac Toe game or a Pong clone, however if you think about something like a platformer or RPG then your code base would probably turn into a big mess without polymorphism or other more advanced paradigm.

If you know the basic C++ principles then I think you should be able to start with some simple and small games. From there you can take the opportunity and actually try more advanced things - learning of C++ can only really be achieve through practice.

Before you get all excited about SFML though, you might want to read more about your build tools (compiler, linker, CMake, etc.), because speaking from experience this is what a lot here on the forum have problems with, mainly because they didn't invest any time into learning about their tools.
Yeah ive spent alot of time learning tools, (ive set up multiple engines. used multiple os's linux windows, used the irrlicht engine. allegro. ... doesnt mean i ever acheived even a simple project with them. but have set them up)

To develop larger projects, you definitely need to know advanced abstraction techniques such as polymorphism or templates. "Larger" doesn't mean the most simple 2D games... however, they are actually a very good opportunity to learn and practice new programming language features.

The concept of virtual functions is actually not very difficult, especially if you already understand inheritance. I assume you just haven't had a look at enough practical examples to understand the use. Do you have a good C++ book? Good literature is absolutely crucial in C++, you can waste years when learning with the wrong books or no books at all.
Not very difficult...... NOT VERY DIFFICULT?!?!?! .. Ive had a library of c++ books. (quite literaly..... a library) an entire bookshelf of c++. ive read so much. ive been through tutorials. i actually started using/studying c++ over 5 years ago. and in that time. ive acheived ... nothing. so im still bashing my head against the wall trying to understand it all. i mean i made 1 little thing with allegro that was pong without the ai it was just a wall. thats about it. though ive seen people manage to acheive more in 1 week than what i have in 5 years. (great for my self esteem) though since it seems i wouldnt be able to manage with what i have. i dont even know... i dont even know anymore....

General / General question
« on: October 08, 2014, 09:38:31 am »
Out of your guys's experience . How much knowledge of c++ would you think it would take to manage a simple 2d game. I've been studying c++ for years. i can use classes functions and such. but throw the virtual keyword at me or polymorphism and my mind just melts. (i do understand basic class inheritance) But that's about all i can manage to teach myself. I've been trying for years But I would just never grasp it on my own. Do you think if i start trying to work on large projects (i never have before) that i could manage. Or should i keep bashing my head against the wall until i get all these uber complicated topics of c++.

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