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Messages - anpd

Pages: [1]
Cheers  :) will take a look at that then.

Thanks for moving the post (sorry). Well in this case I have a game board 19x19 that can be empty, white stone or black stone. All this is just an array with 0,1,2 in it. The status of the board can change from having a stone to being empty or have a stone added.

The nicest way in my opionon would be to just iterate over the array and check if( grid ==1) draw whiteStone at pos. Having potentially 722 sprites for all the different combinations seems like a waste.

Graphics / Is there a way to Draw sprite at position without setPosition
« on: November 03, 2014, 01:15:43 pm »

Just started testing SFML, I need to draw a grid that changes constantly. Is there a way to do something like

draw(sprite, posX, posY);

Or do I need a sprite for each part of the grid and use setPosition to move them?

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