Hey Guys
I just created a little GUI-System, wich should help Beginners of SFML and C++, but also can be
a Piece of your Game-Project, wich helps to save time on coding.
It works with Sheet´s. You can say, each Sheet is a "Layer" of the Menu. You can add Sheet´s, wich
are containing Buttons, Checkboxes, Slider, InputFields and so on ..... (Now are just Buttons and Ceckboxes working, the Rest is implemented, but not working 100%)
Each Piece is predefined in Size and Color. But I will maybe implement some "predefined States", where
you can choose one of them, or create one.
I must also solve some "logistic Problems", like checking the mouse only, when a Sheet is visible.
Also the comfort of the functions will be updated, maybe I will add some Global Pointers, or States
to this Project
A Folder, where you can find the source code will follow soon, hope you are interested in
my "eGUI", or just want to check out, how other People would solve something like this
Thanks for checking this out,
PS.: This is an Image, where you can see the Init-Code (will be updated of corse) and
the result on the Screen. You can already Name the Buttons, click on them (popping Green
or check the Checkboxes. The Slider isnt working yet, as I said.
Aaaaaand, because I am too drunky, to use this [IMG[\IMG]-Thing, I placed it in
the attachments